Yu Gan's Website
Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, NJ
Email: ygan5 at stevens.edu
Hello, I am Yu Gan. I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology. I got my Ph. D. degree from Columbia University in the year of 2017 under the supervision of Dr. Christine P. Hendon in the Structure Function Imaging laboratory. Prior to Stevens, I was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama until 2021. I am the awardee of NSF CAREER award. My research covers a wide spectrum of machine learning and deep learning techniques that facilitate biomedical imaging and dig out hidden information from medical/biomedical images. I am the recipient of multiple research awards supported by National health institute (NIH, R01, R21), NJ Health Foundations, National science foundation (NSF, CAREER, CRII), US Department of Agriculture (USDA, Data Science), Research Corportation for Science Advancement, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, and Burrough Wellcome foundation. He serves as an Associate Editor for Medical Image Analysis.
Research Position: We have PhD position(s) opening in our Intelligent Imaging and Image Processing Lab for Spring and Fall enrollment. Please reach out Dr. Yu Gan (ygan5@stevens.edu) for more information.
Dr. Gan serves as conference chair for SPIE-MI-Image Processing 2026
Shengting's paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Congrats to Hongshan in passing her PhD defense! Congrats Dr. Liu!
Our team is awarded an NIH R01 for the collaborative work on retinal disease
Dr. Gan serves as an Associate Editor on Medical Image Analysis
Dr. Gan received a sub-contract from UNC Chapel Hill via NIH R21.
Dr. Gan is serving in the organization committee of IEEE-BHI 2024 for Special Sessions.
Dr. Gan is supported by Scialog Award to use generative AI on chemical process.
Shengting's paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems.
Dr. Gan is awarded as Scialog Fellow.
Our collaborative paper has been accepted by Cancer Cell.
Our collaborative work has been funded by USDA/NIFA Argiculural Engineering.
Dr. Gan will serve as in organization committee of ISBI 2024 as co-chair for Special Sessions and organization committee of Brain Informatics 2023 as co-organization chair.
Our collaborative paper has been accepted by IEEE-JBHI .
Dr. Gan received NSF CAREER award.