Yufei Huang
Associate Professor in Operations Management
Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin
Email: yufei.huang(at)tcd.ie
Tel: +353 1896 8228
Ph.D. in Management, School of Management, University College London.
M.S. in Physics, School of Science, Xi'an Jiaotong University.
B.B.A. in Marketing, School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University.
Selected Recent Publications
Antecedent configurations toward supply chain resilience: The joint impact of supply chain integration and big data analytics capability. 2024. Journal of Operations Management, 70(2), 257-284. (with Feng, T., Jiang, Y.)
Improving Timeliness in the Neglected Tropical Diseases Preventive Chemotherapy Donation Supply Chain Through Information Sharing: A Retrospective Empirical Analysis. 2021. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15(11): e0009523. (Kasparis, E., Huang, Y. Lin, B., Vasilakis, C.) [Open Access]
Team Familiarity in Cardiac Surgery Operations: The Effects of Hierarchy and Failure on Team Productivity. 2020. Human Relations, 73(9), 1278-1307. (with E. Avgerinos and I. Fragkos)
Combining Guaranteed and Spot Markets in Display Advertising: Selling Guaranteed Page Views with Stochastic Demand. 2020. European Journal of Operational Research, 280(3), 1144-1159. (with B. Chen, J. Huang, S. Kollias, S. Yue)
Selling innovative products in the presence of externalities. 2018. Production and Operations Management, 27(7), 1236-1250. (with B. Gokpinar, C.S. Tang, O.S. Yoo)
For a full list of publications, please check my [Google Scholar] page.
@ Trinity College Dublin
BUU11550 Information Systems and Data Management; BU7582 Research Methods; BU7709 Research Methods; BU7710 Project Management; BU7593 Project Management; BU7142 Foundations of Business Analytics
@ University College London (2015-2019)
MSIN0017 Business Analytics; MSIN0110 Big Data Analytics
@ University of Bath (2016-2018)
MN50482 Supply Management; MN50205 Project Management; MN50166 Methods of Management Research; MN50550 Business Analytics; MN50637 Global Supply Chain & Logistics Management; MN30676 Management Science
Last Update: April 2024