Yelena Yuditsky
I am a F.R.S.-FNRS Postdoctoral Fellow at Université libre de Bruxelles.
I did my PhD at McGill University under the supervision of Bruce Reed and Sergey Norin.
My research interests are in design and analysis of algorithms, optimization, structural graph theory and discrete geometry.
M. Aprile, S. Fiorini, G. Joret, S. Kober, M.T. Seweryn, S. Weltge and Y. Yuditsky. Integer programs with nearly totally unimodular matrices: the cographic case. Extended abstract in the proceeding of the Symposium on Discrete algorithms (SODA), (2025). arxiv.
S. Fiorini, G. Joret, S. Weltge and Y. Yuditsky. Integer programs with bounded subdeterminants and two nonzeros per row. Journal of the ACM, (2024). Extended abstract in the proceeding of the Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), (2021). arxiv.
S. Norin and Y. Yuditsky. Typical structure of hereditary graph families. I. Apex-free families. Accepted to Random Structures and Algorithms, (2024). arxiv.
S. Norin and Y. Yuditsky. Typical structure of hereditary graph families. II. Exotic examples. Accepted to Random Structures and Algorithms, (2024). arxiv.
L. Ferrarini, S. Fiorini, S. Kober and Y. Yuditsky. Total matching and subdeterminants. International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO), (2024). arxiv.
B. Jatroux, C. Keller, S. Smorodinsky and Y. Yuditsky. Conflict-free colouring of subsets. Discrete and Computational Geometry, 72: 876–891, (2023). arxiv.
B. Jatroux, C. Keller, S. Smorodinsky and Y. Yuditsky. On multicolour ramsey numbers and subset-colouring of hypergraphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 36: 1848-1860, (2022). arxiv.
Z. Dvořák, J. Pekárek, T. Ueckerdt and Y. Yuditsky. Weak coloring numbers of intersection graphs. Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 39: 1-15, (2022). arxiv.
T. Bellitto, T. Klimošová, M. Merker, M. Witkowski and Y. Yuditsky. Counterexamples to Thomassen's conjecture on decomposition of cubic graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 37: 2595–2599, (2021). arxiv, G&C.
N. Alon, B. Jatroux, C. Keller, S. Smorodinsky and Y. Yuditsky. The ε-t-net problem. Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 5: 1-15 (2020). arxiv.
J. Pach, B. Reed and Y. Yuditsky. Almost all String graphs are intersection graphs of plane convex sets. Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 68: 1-14 (2018). arxiv, DCG.
S. Norin and Y. Yuditsky. Erdős-Szekeres without induction. Discrete & Computational Geometry 55(4): 963-971 (2016). DCG.
R. Aschner, M. J. Katz, G. Morgenstern and Y. Yuditsky. Approximation schemes for covering and packing. Proceedings of the Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM): 89-100, (2013). WALCOM.
S. Smorodinsky and Y. Yuditsky. Polychromatic coloring for half-planes. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 119(1): 146-154 (2012). JCTA.
S. Dolev, J. A. Garay, N. Gilboa, V. Kolesnikov and Y. Yuditsky Towards efficient private distributed computation on unbounded input streams. Brief announcement appeared at The International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC) 431-432 (2012). The full version of the paper appeared in Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, 9(2): 79-94, (2015). ACNS.