Yuchong Zhang (张羽翀)
Office: Room 308, Lindstedtsvägen 24, 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden.
E-mail: yuchongz@kth.se
Other: zyc941030@gmail.com/YZHANG135@e.ntu.edu.sg
Mobile: +46-701493091
Hej! I'm currently a postdoc fellow at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning. Under the supervision of Prof. Danica Kragic.
Previously: Ph.D. at Chalmers University of Technology. Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (MSCA Horizon 2020 ITN) at TOMOCON. Supervisor: Prof. Morten Fjeld.
My current research interests: human-robot interaction with human-centered design, interactive AI, VR/AR/MR, and human perception.
My previous research interest (during Ph.D.) was human-centered design for the support of interactive visualization towards industrial process tomography by using AR/MR.
Current affiliation: KTH, Sweden.
Previous affiliation: t2i lab, Sweden.
External sites at Google Scholar, Researchgate, Linkedin, DBLP.
📜 Selected Publications
Xia, H., Zhang, Y., Rajabi, N., Taleb, F., Yang, Q., Kragic, D. and Li, Z., 2024. Shaping high-performance wearable robots for human motor and sensory reconstruction and enhancement. Nature Communications, 15(1), pp.1-12. [link]
Yuchong Zhang, Miguel Vasco, Mårten Björkman, Danica Kragic. Will You Participate? Exploring the Potential of Robotics Competitions on Human-centric Topics". In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2024 (HCII 2024), Springer. [link]
Zhang Y, Nowak A, Xuan Y, Romanowski A, Fjeld M. See or Hear? Exploring the Effect of Visual and Audio Hints and Gaze-assisted Task Feedback for Visual Search Tasks in Augmented Reality. In2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2023 Oct 16 (pp. 1113-1122). IEEE. [link]
Yuchong Zhang, Yueming Xuan, Adel Omrani, Rahul Yadav, Morten Fjeld. Playing with Data: An Augmented Reality Approach to Immersively Interact with Visualizations of Industrial Process Tomography. In Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2023: IFIP TC 13 International Conference, York, UK, August 27--September 2, 2023, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing. [link]
Yuchong Zhang, Adam Nowak, Guruprasad Rao, Andrzej Romanowski, and Morten Fjeld. Is Industrial Tomography Ready for Augmented Reality? A Need-finding Study of How Augmented Reality Can Be Adopted by Industrial Tomography Experts. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2023 (HCII 2023), Springer. [link]
Zhang, Yuchong, Adel Omrani, Rahul Yadav, and Morten Fjeld. "Supporting Visualization Analysis in Industrial Process Tomography by Using Augmented Reality—A Case Study of an Industrial Microwave Drying System." Sensors 21, no. 19 (2021): 6515. [link]
Zhang, Yuchong, Morten Fjeld, Marco Fratarcangeli, Alan Said, and Shengdong Zhao. 2021. "Affective Colormap Design for Accurate Visual Comprehension in Industrial Tomography" Sensors 21, no. 14: 4766. [link]
Mehmet Aydin Baytas, Damla Çay, Yuchong Zhang, Mohammad Obaid, Asim Evren Yantaç, and Morten Fjeld. 2019. The Design of Social Drones: A Review of Studies on Autonomous Flyers in Inhabited Environments. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper 250, 13 pages. DOI: [link]
🛰️ Academic activities
International Conference on Social Robotics 2024 (ICSR) committee member; serving as AE.
Mensch und Computer (MuC') committee member; serving as AC.
MUM 2024 committee member.
CSCW 2024 committee member; serving as AC.
CHI 2023/2024 committee member; serving as AC.
HCI International2023/2024 committee member.
UbiComp 2022 technical program committee member.
Invited reviewer for CHI, CSCW, ISMAR, HRI, ICMI, MUM, UIST, NordiCHI, EICS, HCII...for more than 5 years.
🏗️ Projects
BOS: Body-centric Operating System: link.
ELSA - European Lighthouse on Secure and Safe AI: link.
Smart tomographic sensors for advanced industrial process control (TOMOCON): link.
Human-centered design and interactive visualization on IPT: link.
Supervised master project: Interaction design of a personal portfolio.
Supervised master project: Mobile app design and implementation.
Supervised bachelor thesis: Network monitoring and application.
👨🏻🎓 Education
2018. Aug. -- 2023. Feb.: Ph.D. at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
Topic about human-centered design and interactive visualization, AR/MR on industrial tomography.
Division of Interaction Design; Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Morten Fjeld. Co-supervisors: Prof. Dr. Marco Fratarcangeli, Prof. Dr. Alan Said.
2016. July -- 2017. July: MSc. at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
2012. Sep. -- 2016. June: BEng. at Hangzhou Dianzi University, China.
💻 Working Experience
2023. May. -- present.: KTH, Sweden.
Postdoc fellow in Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning (RPL).
2018. Aug. -- 2023.Feb.: Chalmers, Sweden.
Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR).
2018. Apr. -- 2018. July: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Research associate in data mining and NLP in School of Computer Science and Engineering.
2017. Sep. -- 2018. Apr.: Singapore Management University, Singapore.
Research assistant in medical data analytics in Lee Kong Chian School of Business (LKCSB).
👨🏻🏫 Teaching
Course--Algorithms for Machine Learning and Inference 2019, 2020.
Course--Information Visualization 2022.
Course--Human-centered Design 2022.
Course--Interaction Design Methodology 2022.
📧 Contact me
E-mail: zyc941030@gmail.com (primary); yuchongz@kth.se (work); YZHANG135@e.ntu.edu.sg.
Tel: (46)-701493091.
Post: Room 308, Lindstedtsvägen 24, 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden.
😀 Other info
I like photographing, travelling, violin, singing, sports, Chinese calligraphy.
Check my photographs (partial) on the left.