Join us for a Day of Action at College Green Park in Iowa City!

Join us as we stand up for youth and truth. Young people, educators, parents, and community members are all welcome!

Iowa was one of the first states to adopt legislation that attempts to require educators to lie to students about the role of racism, sexism, heterosexism, transphobia, and other forms of oppression throughout U.S. history. The state continues to pass laws actively attacking youth, public schools, and educators. As Iowans, we stand against this harmful legislation. 

There will be live music, a book exchange, a postcard station, and a chance to pledge to teach the truth and defend BIPOC and LGBTQ+ rights. Folks will have many opportunities to network, strategize, have fun, and play games.

Bring some books to exchange, questions, ideas, friends and family, or just bring yourself.

Please let the host know if you or your organization are interested in co-hosting or speaking at this event. Come join us and party with a purpose.

This event is part of a national effort led by the Zinn Education Project, AAPF, and Black Lives Matter at School to stand in solidarity for Youth and Truth. Locally this event is organized by grassroots organizers, Great Plains Action Society, and more to come! 

A rally, party, and day of action to show support for youth and their right to an honest education.

Our Facebook Event page Interested in helping out? Email 

College Green Park, 

June 8th, 2:30 - 6:30