YouthMappers Resource Library

We don't just build maps, we build mappers! 


This is the YouthMappers Resource Library, your one stop repository for all things of YouthMappers. We do not claim ownership of any material not produced by YouthMappers and if you do not feel comfortable sharing your knowledge through the Resource Library, please contact us at for an alternative sharing platform. To suggest a resource to be added to YouthMappers Resource Library please fill out this linked form

Read in Bangla, Português, Español, Français

How to Navigate: 

Use the left panel to navigate the YouthMappers Resource Library. Each section contains helpful resources, organized by topic, for managing a successful YouthMappers chapter. 

Chapter Resources - find resources for mapping, guides for organizing a mapathon, tutorials to learn and improve validating skills, a toolkit for chapter communications, and links for chapter management support.

Chapter Directory - updated monthly, the chapter directory provides the email address of the main point of contact for each YouthMappers chapter. Sort the table by chapter, or country and connect via email!

Classroom Resources - interested in integrating OSM in the classroom? This page is a collection of free resources and syllabi to support such efforts.

Chapter Activities - to stay connected and become more involved with the network fill out the forms on this page. Also view reports written by YouthMappers Fellows and explore the YouthMappers activity Story Map.

Add your event to the YouthMappers calendar! 

Email to add your event

Contact us!



Social media: follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. LetGirlsMap: follow us on Twitter and Instagram. 

YouthMappers is supported by USAID Award #AID-OAA-G-15-00007 and Cooperative Agreement Number: 7200AA18CA00015.