Pulmunary forest of the earth

The importance of the forest

Forests - lungs the earth, filter the air, absorb carbon dioxide and pollutants. In return, they give people and all animals the oxygen necessary for life and existence. It is an ecosystem full of biodiversity, but closely related as one organism.

Let's start with what forests mean to the world. In the process of photosynthesis, plants take carbon dioxide from the air, and release oxygen that is vital for the rest of the Earth's organisms. For a long time, therefore, we have called forests as great oxygen factories. One adult pine "produces" the oxygen necessary for three people to live! Collectively, the Earth's forests meet half of the oxygen needs of all humans and animals, producing around 26 billion tonnes of it annually. Forests also absorb carbon dioxide - one hectare of forest absorbs 140-250 tons of CO2 annually.

A forest growing on the slopes of mountains can hold a huge amount of water. Also, forest, mountain soils and litter are absorbent like a sponge and during heavy rainfall or melting snow they retain a lot of water, giving it back gradually. As a result, it is not necessary to build expensive dams and reservoirs to protect inhabited areas against floods not everywhere in the mountains or in the foothills. We had a dramatic example of this in Poland during the flood of the century in 1997. Huge masses of water flowed down the tree-less slopes of the Sudetes, wreaking havoc in the Odra basin. Of course, the forests would not protect the inhabitants from such a terrible cataclysm, because it was caused by extremely heavy rainfall, but if the "forest dam" had worked, the losses would probably be much smaller.

In state-owned forests, nearly half of the stands (49.4%, i.e. 3.4 million ha) are called protective forests. They protect many elements of the natural environment. Most protective forests - natural filters protecting us against pollution - are in the zones of industrial impact. No less important and numerous are water-protective forests that protect, for example, springs or shores of rivers and lakes from falling off. Forests also protect soils, preventing their erosion or sterilization. They are also a barrier to avalanches and landslides in the mountains. They protect the local microclimate of spas, especially favorable for rehabilitation and treatment. They also have a windproof function - by reducing the strength of the wind several times, they protect human settlements and agricultural crops. They decorate the landscape and recreation areas of the population. Even the smallest scraps of forest scattered among the fields or mid-field plantings, which are, for example, a breeding place for birds that destroy harmful insects in agricultural crops, are of significant importance.

The importance of the forest in the environment

The importance of the forest in the environment

1. The forest produces about 26.6 billion liters of oxygen - more than half of the annual supply on earth.

2. 1 ha of forest produces 3-10 times more oxygen than the same area of ​​arable land.

3. One 60-year-old pine produces as much oxygen per day as the average daily requirement of three people (1350-1800 liters).

4. One ha of pine forest has 70-150 thousand. assimilation area and absorbs 150-200 tons of CO2, producing about 13 tons of organic matter per year.

5. Deciduous forest with an area of ​​10,000 ha retains and then releases 500,000 m3 of water to the environment - it protects against erosion and flooding. It is a natural retention reservoir, a filter and a storehouse of clean and healthy water.

6. In 1 m3 of forest air there are 46 - 70 times less pathogenic organisms than in the air in urban areas.

7. Trees emit bactericidal substances into the atmosphere - phytoncides.

8. Pine, birch and juniper create a zone up to 3-5 m free from bacteria around them. Pine phytoncides treat tuberculosis. The substances secreted by oaks kill the dysentery bacteria. Fir needles treat diphtheria.

9. Forests clean the air during the growing season - 1 ha of spruce forest retains about 30 tons of dust, and 1 ha of beech forest retains 65 tons of dust.

10. Forest reduces the noise level - 150 m of forest reduces noise to the level of 18-25 decibels.


The trees will stimulate or calm you down. They will facilitate meditation and relieve stress. They will support the treatment. Admire their beauty, drink infusions of bark and leaves. Or just hug them. Because it's worth it.


The tree of life, symbolizes rebirth. Removes blockages and stagnation. It refreshes, vitalizes and inspires. It helps to get rid of apathy and depression. It stimulates the metabolism and heals skin ailments. It reduces pain and soothes the nerves. Birch sap improves the function of the bladder and kidneys


It frees you from worries, depression, trauma and guilt. It restores the will to act and the joy of life. Strengthens the lungs, supports the cleansing of the respiratory tract, can heal a cough,


The Christmas tree, or the tree of rebirth. It favors the renewal of the body and spirit, and accelerates the healing of wounds. It calms down and strengthens the nervous system. Heals some respiratory diseases. It also helps with headaches and heart ailments


Considered a magic plant and even a witch tree. It has a calming effect. It also has an antipyretic effect


Like pine, it brings very invigorating energy. It adds self-confidence, strengthens the sense of realism, helps to organize your life. Supports circulation and digestion,


He is reluctant to give up energy, but can take over various ailments, especially headaches. It improves circulation, clears thoughts, supports the work of the mind and creativity. It de-stresses, helps to develop empathy


In all cultures of Europe it was considered a tree of the dead and sacred at the same time. It brings relief in rheumatism, arthritis, diseases of tendons and bones,


Symbol of power, longevity and law. It adds strength, promotes regeneration after exercise. It improves brain function and promotes self-reflection. A decoction of its bark is used for skin ailments,

In silvotherapy, each tree has its message for us, it brings something new, so it is worth using different trees along the way - acacia, birch, linden ... Different species of trees have different properties: translating into thoughts, physical condition, mobility of our body

Taking care of forests at any time of the year is the task of all of us.