Your Toon

Privacy policy

Effective date: App online date

Welcome to Your Toon. . Our goal is to create new ways for people to express their emotions through cameras.

This privacy policy describes:

* When downloading, installing, registering, accessing or using our mobile application your toon ("your toon" or "application"), we may collect or all the information types ("user", "you" or "yours") that users or others may provide.

* our practice of collecting, using, maintaining, protecting and disclosing this information.

This privacy policy applies only to the information we collect through Your Toon and emails, texts and other electronic communications sent through or related to Your Toon.

We promise to build Your Toon and any of its functions in a way that respects your privacy, and promise to protect your privacy by observing this privacy policy. This privacy policy not only allows you to know how we handle your personal data (as defined below), but also allows you to manage your personal data effectively.

You agree to this privacy policy by downloading, installing, registering, accessing or using ("using") Your Toon. If you disagree with this privacy policy, please do not use Your Toon.

By using Your Toon, you understand and agree that we provide you with a platform to style user content (defined below). If you have any questions about this privacy policy or Your Toon, please contact us (please refer to how to contact us for contact information).

This privacy policy does not apply to the following information:

* We collect it offline or on any other company application or website, including websites that you can visit through Your Toon.

* You provide to or collect by any third party (including our affiliated companies, as defined below), including through any other application or content (including advertisements) that may be linked to or accessible through Your Toon.

Our websites and other applications and these other third parties may have their own privacy policies, and we encourage you to read these policies before providing or providing information through them.

Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it. This privacy policy is subject to change from time to time.

1. the information we collect and how to collect it

We collect many types of information from you, including:

* Your personal identity, such as email address, or any other identifier to contact you online or offline.

* This is about you, but I don't agree with you personally.

* About your Internet connection, the equipment you use Your Toon, and your usage details.

We collect the following information:

* When you provide it to us, get it directly from you.

* automatically when using Your Toon. Automatically collected information may include usage details, Internet Protocol ("IP") addresses, and information collected through cookies and other tracking techniques.

* From third parties, such as our business partners.

If information is: (i) associated with an identified or identifiable natural person and (ii) protected as personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws, such information is referred to as "personal data" in this privacy policy. Please remember that the provisions of Section 5 do not apply to your personal data under a false name.

2. The information you provided to us directly

When you use Your Toon, we may ask you for information, including your personal data:

* the information you provided by filling out the form in Your Toon. This includes information provided when using Your Toon, subscribing to services through Your Toon, and requesting further services through Your Toon. We may also ask you for information when you report problems with Your Toon.

* If you contact us, please provide your communication record and copy (including email address).

* Details of your in-app subscription in Your Toon.

3. The information we collect through automatic data collection technology

When you use Your Toon, we may use automatic data collection technology to collect some collected information about your devices, browsing actions and modes, including:

* usage details. Details of your use of Your Toon, including traffic data, logs, location data and other communication data and resources you use through Your Toon.

* equipment information. Information about mobile devices and Internet connections, including your IP address, unique device identifier, operating system, browser type and mobile network information.

* stored information and documents. Your Toon may also access metadata and other information associated with other files stored on your device. This may include, for example, photos, audio and video clips.

We may also use these technologies to collect information about your online activities through third-party websites or other online services (behavior tracking) over a period of time. If you don't want us to collect this information, please don't download Your Toon or delete it from your device.

The information that we automatically collect according to this privacy policy may include your personal data, and we may maintain it or associate it with your personal data that we collect in other ways or receive from third parties. It helps us improve Your Toon and provide better and more personalized services, including enabling us to:

* Estimate our audience size and usage patterns.

* store your preference information and allow us to customize Your Toon according to your personal interests.

If the information covered in this Section 3 is summarized or de-identified, so it is no longer reasonably related to the identified or identifiable natural person, we can use it for any commercial purpose.

Our techniques for automatic data collection may include:

3. Third-party analysis. We use third-party analysis tools, such as Google Analysis, Facebook Analysis, Google Firebase, AppsFlyer, and Amplitude, to help us measure Your Toon traffic and usage trends. These tools collect information sent by your device or Your Toon, including webpages you visit, add-ins and other information that will help us improve Your Toon. We collect and use this analysis information from other users, so we can't reasonably use it to identify any specific individual user.

Equipment identifier. When you use Your Toon on a mobile device such as a tablet or mobile phone, we may access, collect, monitor, store and/or remotely store one or more "device identifiers" on your device. A device identifier is a small data file or similar data structure stored on or associated with a mobile device, which uniquely identifies your mobile device. A device identifier can identify data stored in conjunction with the device hardware, operating system or other software, or data sent by us to the device. The device identifier may convey information about how you browse and use Your Toon to us or third-party partners, and may help us or others to provide reports or personalized content and advertisements. If the use or availability of the device identifier is damaged or disabled, some functions of Your Toon may not work properly. Among them, we may collect the following device identifiers:

* user equipment identification.

* platform (iOS/ Android).

* equipment operating system version.

* Application version.

* First request time.

* Language.

* Region/country.

* Time zone.

* Model number.

* Application version.

* Push token (optional).

Metadata. Metadata is usually technical data associated with user content. For example, metadata can describe how, when and by whom some user content was collected, and how the content was formatted. You can add metadata to your user content, and you can also add metadata to your user content, including tags (for example, tagging keywords when sharing photos) or other data.

4. How do we use the information you collect

In addition to some specific uses of the information described in this privacy policy, we also use the collected information, including any personal data:

* show Your Toon and its contents to you and others, as well as any other information, products or services you ask us to provide.

* automatically update Your Toon on the device.

* fulfill our obligations and exercise our rights arising from any contract signed between you and us.

* Notify you of changes in Your Toon or any products or services we provide through Your Toon, including sending you technical notices, notices about your account/subscription, including expiration and renewal notices, updates, security alerts and support and management messages.

* diagnose or repair technical problems.

* Link or combine the information we get from others or (and) you to help understand your needs and provide you with better services (for training in neural networks and artificial intelligence, and any other automatic decision processing).

* Monitor indicators such as the total number of users, traffic and demographic patterns (including through third-party services specified in Section 6).

* provide, improve, test and monitor the effectiveness of Your Toon.

* Develop and test new products and functions.

* in any other way we may describe, when you provide or we collect your information, or when specified in this privacy policy.

* accomplish any other purpose you provide.

* use it for any other purpose with your consent.

We will not process your personal data in a manner inconsistent with the purpose you collected or authorized in accordance with Section 4, nor will we collect any personal data unnecessary for the above purpose ("Purpose Restriction Principle").

For any new processing purpose, we will ask your separate consent. To the extent necessary for these purposes, we take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is reliable, accurate, complete and up-to-date for its intended use. We also promised to collect only these

The quantity and type of personal data strictly required for the purpose stated in Section 4 ("Data Minimization Principle").

5. Your rights

Access, modify, correct and erase. You can request to access, modify, correct, update and delete the personal data you provided to us, as well as the information about you in your Your Toon account settings, or contact us (for contact information, please refer to how to contact us). If we believe that the change will violate any laws or legal requirements or lead to incorrect information, we may not accept the request for change of information.

Residents of the European Economic Area. Individuals living in the European Economic Area ("EEA") have certain legal rights to their personal data, such as those introduced by the General Data Protection Regulations ("GDPR"). You can train them by contacting us (for contact information, please see how to contact us).

* Access your personal data and data portability. When using Your Toon, you have the right to ask us to provide information about any of your personal data, and have the right to access your personal data provided to us (including structured and portable forms) and the information we have about you. You can do this by using the application settings or contacting us.

* Correct your personal data and restrict processing. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the personal data provided to us. Inaccurate information may affect your experience when using Your Toon function and our ability to contact you according to this privacy policy. If you think your personal data is inaccurate, you have the right to contact us and ask us to correct such personal data. If you question the accuracy of your personal data verified by us, you also have the right to request to limit the processing of your personal data.

* Delete your personal data. If you think that your personal data is no longer required to be collected or otherwise processed, or you have withdrawn your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data, or the processing of your personal data does not comply with GDPR laws, you have the right to contact us and ask us to delete such personal data. Please note that deleting some personal data may affect your ability to use Your Toon.

* have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You can oppose and prevent us from processing your personal data by using special functions in the application settings or contacting us. Please note that our inability to process some personal data may affect your ability to use Your Toon.

:: Notification requirements. We promise to inform you and your

The data protection agency shall handle any personal data leakage related to you within the time limit stipulated by applicable laws (72 hours).

* Notice about automatic decision. We use automatic decision-making tools (such as neural network) to process your personal data, so as to provide you with better services (for example, the improvement of filter application).

:: Data protection agencies. According to the GDPR act, you also have the right to (I) restrict our use of your personal data, and (ii) complain to your local data protection agency about any of our activities that you think are not in compliance with the GDPR act.

Please keep in mind that if vague access, deletion, objection or any other request occurs during the exercise of the above rights, we may have a dialogue with you to better understand the motivation of the request and find the response information. If this is impossible, we reserve the right to refuse to approve your request.

According to GDPR, we may also ask you to prove your identity (for example, ask for ID card or other proof) so that you can exercise the above rights. This is to ensure that your request does not infringe the rights of third parties, and that the above rights are exercised by the actual personal data subject or authorized personnel.

Please note that we will approve your request within 30 days after receiving it, but in some cases, it may take up to 90 days, for example, completely erase your personal data stored in our backup system-due to the size and complexity of the system we use to store data.

Your right to privacy in California. If you are a California resident, California law may provide you with information about our use Additional rights to your personal data.

California's "lighting" law (Article 1798.83 of the Civil Code) allows users of Your Toon that, a California resident, to request certain information about our disclosure of personal data from a third party for the purpose of direct marketing. To make such a request, please contact us (please refer to the How to Contact Us section for contact information).

6. Share the collected information

We may disclose summary information about our users without restrictions, as well as information that does not identify any individuals. We may delete some data that can identify you and share anonymous data with any party. We may also combine the information you collected (including your personal data) with other information so that it is no longer associated with you, and share the summarized information.

Without your consent, we will not rent or sell your personal data to a third party other than the company (or the company group to which we belong), except those parties with whom we can share your information according to this privacy policy. The parties with whom we can share your personal data. We may share your personal data and user content (including but not limited to information from cookies, log files, device identifiers and usage data) with enterprises that legally belong to the same company group (including our subsidiaries) or become part of this group ("affiliated companies"). Affiliates can use this information to help provide, understand and improve Your Toon (including providing analysis) and their own services (including providing you with a better and more relevant experience). Such affiliated companies are bound by this privacy policy rule.

We may also share your personal data and information in tools such as equipment identifiers with third-party organizations (such as contractors and service providers). We use these third-party organizations to support our business. These third-party organizations are subject to reasonable confidentiality and data protection provisions, and keep your personal data confidential and only use it for the purposes we disclose to them ("service providers"). The parties sharing your personal data with us are either based on the European Economic Area or comply with the EU- US or Swiss-US privacy protection framework (each framework is collectively referred to as "privacy protection") to ensure compliance with European data privacy requirements. We also use standard contract terms and other contractual safeguards to protect your privacy and ensure that all transmissions of your personal data are secure and comply with applicable laws. You can choose who to share your user content with. Any information or content you voluntarily style with Your Toon, such as user content, will be provided anonymously to Your Toon. What happens when control changes. If we sell or transfer part or all of the company or our assets to another organization (for example, in the process of merger, divestiture, reorganization, reorganization, acquisition, bankruptcy, dissolution, liquidation, etc.), your personal data, user content and any other collected information may belong to the sold or transferred items. You will continue to own your user content. The buyer or transferee must abide by our commitments in this privacy policy. Respond to legal requirements and prevent injuries. If we sincerely believe that the law requires us to access, save and share your information, we may respond to the request of the law (such as search warrant, court order or subpoena), government or regulatory agency. This may include responding to legal, governmental, or regulatory requirements from jurisdictions outside the United States, if we sincerely believe that the response is a legal requirement of that jurisdiction, affects users in that jurisdiction, and meets internationally recognized standards. When we sincerely believe that it is necessary to detect, prevent and solve fraud, we can also access, save and share information and other illegal activities; Protect ourselves, you and others, including as part of the investigation; And prevent death or imminent physical injury. When the information we receive about you is the subject of legal request or obligation, government investigation or investigation about possible violation of our terms or policies, or to prevent injury, we may access, process and keep the information for a long time.

7. How do we store, process and transmit your personal data

We comply with the EU- US and Switzerland-US privacy protection framework formulated by the US Department of Commerce, which involves the collection, use and retention of personal data transmitted from the European Economic Area and Switzerland to the United States. We have proved to the Ministry of Commerce that we abide by the principle of privacy protection ("the principle"). In case of any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the Principles, the Principles shall prevail.

:: Complaint and dispute resolution. According to these principles, we promise to solve the complaints about our collection or use of your personal data. Residents of the European Economic Area and Switzerland should contact us first if they have any questions or complaints about our privacy policy (for contact information, please refer to the How to Contact Us section).

:: Arbitration. For unresolved complaints, you can also invoke binding arbitration, but before starting such arbitration, residents of EU countries or Switzerland who participate in privacy protection must first: (1) contact us and provide us with the opportunity to solve the problem; And (2) contact the U.S. Department of Commerce (directly or through the European Data Protection Agency) and give it time to try to solve the problem. If the resident requests binding arbitration, each party shall be responsible for its own legal fees. Please note that, according to the Privacy Protection Act, arbitrators can only provide personal, non-monetary and fair relief to correct violations of the principle against residents. If the violation of the principle claimed by the individual (1) has been subject to binding arbitration before, the arbitration option may not be invoked; (ii) is the subject of a final judgment in court proceedings to which the individual is a party; Or (iii) previously settled by both parties.

Data security. We use reasonable and appropriate information security measures to help protect the security of collected information (including your personal data) and protect your personal data from accidental loss and unauthorized access, use, change and disclosure. Unfortunately, it is not completely safe to transmit information through the Internet. Although we try our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal data transmitted to or through Your Toon, nor can we absolutely guarantee that such information will not be accessed, disclosed, changed or destroyed. Any transmission of your personal data is at your own risk. We are not responsible for circumventing the security measures contained in Your Toon. Please understand that there is no ideal technology or measure to maintain 100% security. Among them, we have adopted the following information security measures:

* Pseudo-reduction of some categories of your personal data.

* Encrypt your personal data during transportation and rest.

* All the information you provided to us is stored on the secure server behind the firewall.

* System vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.

:: Organizational and legal measures. For example, our employees have different levels of access rights to your personal data, and only the employees in charge of data management can access your personal data, which can only be used for limited purposes required by Your Toon operation. We are strictly responsible to our employees for any disclosure, unauthorized access, alteration, destruction and abuse of your personal data.

* Conduct regular data protection impact assessment to ensure that Your Toon fully complies with the principles of "design privacy" and "default privacy". We also promise to conduct privacy audit in case of Your Toon merger or acquisition.

Data retention. As long as your account is active or needs to be served for you through Your Toon, we will keep your personal data, and only keep it for the processing purpose determined in Section 4. You can use the in-app function to delete your personal data at any time, or instruct us to delete your personal data by contacting us (for contact information, please refer to how to contact us).

All the information you provide to us through Your Toon will be automatically uploaded to our server and stored there as a copy of the information stored on your device. If you delete data from your user account, you will no longer see it in Your Toon, but due to technical reasons, some backups of data may be kept in our archive server for a reasonable period of time.

Compliance with third-party (subsequent) transfers and privacy protection. In the case of continued transfer, we are responsible for handling your personal data that we received under privacy protection or usually from residents of the European Economic Area and Switzerland, and then transferring it to a third party agent on our behalf. If our agent's handling of such personal data does not comply with the Principles and the GDPR Agreement, we will still be liable according to the Principles and the GDPR Agreement, unless we prove that we are not responsible for the incident that caused the damage. For any subsequent transfer, we promise to sign a formal agreement with any receiver or processor on our behalf. If we receive personal data certified by us under privacy protection and then transfer it to a third-party service provider acting as an agent on our behalf, if (i) the agent handles the personal data in a way inconsistent with privacy protection, and (ii) we are responsible for the incident that caused the damage, we have certain responsibilities under privacy protection.

Contact you. You agree that we can send you emails related to Your Toon (for example, changes/updates of Your Toon function, technical and safety notices, and updates of this privacy policy). Please note that unless the applicable laws have different provisions for specific types of users, you are not allowed to quit Your Toon-related emails.

8. Children's privacy

General age limit. Your Toon is not aimed at children under the age of 13, nor will we knowingly collect or ask for any information from anyone under the age of 13, nor will we knowingly allow these people to use Your Toon. If you are under 13 years old, please do not use or provide any information in Your Toon or through any of its functions, or provide us with any information about yourself, including your name, address, telephone number or email address. If we learn that we have collected or received any personal data of children under the age of 13 without parents' consent, we will delete this information as soon as possible. If you think we may have any information about children under the age of 13, please contact us (please refer to how to contact us for contact information).

Age limits for residents in the european economic area. According to GDPR, you must be at least 16 years old to use desktop magic. To the extent prohibited by applicable laws, we do not allow residents of EEA under the age of 16 to use Your Toonby. If you know that anyone under the age of 16 uses Your Toon, please contact us (for contact information, please see how to contact us), and we will take necessary steps to delete the information provided by these people.

Other websites and services

We are not responsible for the practices adopted by any website or service linked to or from Your Toon, including the information or content contained therein. If we have a link to Your Toon or from Your Toon, you should read the privacy policy stated on the website or service.

9. How to contact us. European Economic Area Representative and Data Protection Officer

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or Your Toon, please contact us via email.

10. Data Protection Officer. If you are a resident of the European Economic Area or Switzerland, and you wish to exercise the rights stipulated in Section 5, or if you have any questions about this privacy policy or our privacy practices, you can contact our Data Protection Officer in by email.

11. change our privacy policy

The company may revise or update this privacy policy from time to time, so please review it regularly. The last revision date of this privacy policy is at the top of the page. After we make changes to this privacy policy, your continued use of Your Toon will be regarded as your acceptance of these changes, so please check whether the policy is updated regularly. In some cases, we may ask you to explicitly accept our new privacy policy in order to continue to use Your Toon (for example, if we expand the types of personal data collected from you or introduce new collection and processing purposes).