It IS you. An argument for design that’s never done.

24-Apr-17 | Categories: education | Tags: design, humancentereddesign, vox

Background. Nobody knocks on the private bathroom door at work. They just yard on the handle. Maybe multiple times. And it’s repeated by the same people that are unable to take the feedback of when a door is locked, it doesn’t open. Furthermore, when the door is locked, that means someone’s in there. We’ve even put a big sign next to the handle PLEASE KNOCK.

Now in their defense, we had another issue with the lock. The appearance of the button to lock the door from the inside seems to be one that you twist. However, when they installed it – its only typical use serves as a push button. It’s alternative use is to more permanently lock the door requiring a key. So for a couple years, people would twist the lock to lock the door while they were using it. Because the lock was twisted, it didn’t automatically pop out when the person using the bathroom twisted the handle to exit. So the door would stay locked requiring the use of a key. I’ll even give one more defense, the lock that was installed could have had an indicator green “Vacant” or red “Occupied” to visually help the user. But, that wasn’t what was purchased and it would cost more money to replace.

Now onto the video. Assumptions were made here that weren’t stated.

Here’s 1. Needing to pull a door shut. While not apparent with hospital doors or your 10th floor door in this video. You’d be unable to pull a door closed if you pushed it open with a flat panel.

Here’s 2. Most spaces can’t afford a 2-door system. So, while you solved for easier usability with different objects, it’s not addressed if the space resource doesn’t permit that solution. Solution being, you can swap the in-out user object(s) on one door, then have the out-in user object(s) on the other.

Here’s 3. If you do push when you should’ve pulled, you’re getting the feedback instantly. Door doesn’t work. User fault to assume it’s locked before trying another opening method. (maybe try knocking on the fucking door, too)

I’m sure these are further addressed in the book (?) just not explained here. But I don’t know how to read and I don’t want to spend money on buying a book that I can’t read. Speaking of buying shit….

Here’s 4. Cost. Sad but true – often times production doesn’t care about the user. Not an oversight in design. It would obviously cost more in production to have 2 different user objects on one door (or installing 2 doors with the 2nd case noted above) than have the same user object that can serve BOTH functions. That PUSH or PULL sign may have been cheaper to stick on there. Follow instructions.

Conclusion. Sorry. People are stupid. Discoverability – yes. Feedback – yes. Iterative – of course. Human-centered design. You’re a human – act like one. The doors pointed out in the video have all of those elements for the user. It’s the user that’s grown and evolved to take negative feedback incorrectly. Compare it to the victim that keeps getting shocked. They keep doing it. Doors are strong (they should be in purpose – ya know, to keep people out (or in)). Push after trying to pull. Pull after trying to push. You’ll get it. You’re a human – learn the door. You can do it. If you’re not satisfied, replace the door if it’s yours. If it’s not, go away if you don’t like the door. It worked as intended, if the intention is to keep people out that don’t know how to use a door.

You can completely disagree with me. I understand the premise and I think human-centered design is a good thing. I do. So, I’ll say that in the iterative process, continue designing doors and consider the work not done, given the 4 cases above. But for fucks sake, knock when a sign tells you to before trying to force a handle!

*NOTE: Now, of course, I’m not including arguments based around those users with disabilities and doors that provide inequitable usage or access. Eg: those doors that have knobs that turn when someone with a hand (or appendage) disability cannot grab/rotate/whatever to complete the required function of the use object. The video doesn’t touch that either. Otherwise, we may want to bring up kick plates.