All siblings described themselves as having a broad spectrum of feelings and emotions, ranging from anger to joy and happiness. They reported that they could express their feelings openly, both at home and with friends. Anger was often related to events happening within the family and directed towards their parents or healthy brothers or sisters. No sibling expressed any anger towards their ill brother or sister.

Communication tools are used worldwide in pediatric cancer care to help affected children find ways to express themselves and have their voice heard [14,25,26,27]. This led us to believe that siblings of a brother or sister with palliative care needs due to other causes than cancer might also benefit from using communication tools to express their experiences and feelings. A strength in this study was the use of four different tools in the conversations, since some siblings preferred letters and words rather than pictures and vice versa. We believe the variety of tools helped the siblings, some as young as six years old, express what was important to them.

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To examine the precursors of the disproportionately high rates of early childbearing among the younger sisters of adolescent mothers, this study compared the attitudes, expectations, and behaviors of early adolescent girls (M age = 12.93) who had an adolescent childbearing sister (n = 75) to those of early adolescent girls who had only adolescent nonchildbearing sisters (n = 348). Results indicated that the younger sisters of childbearing adolescents were consistently different from the younger sisters of nonchildbearing adolescents on key characteristics known to be correlated with early sexual activity and adolescent childbearing: that is, they were more accepting of nonmarital adolescent childbearing, perceived younger ages for typical life-course transitions (best age to get married, have first child), had more pessimistic school and career expectations, and were more likely to have engaged in problem behaviors (smoke cigarettes, skip school). These younger sister characteristics were associated with a nonvirgin sexual status in the current sample and with high closeness and high rivalry with the childbearing sister but could not be accounted for by such within-family experiences as subjects' mothers' permissiveness or lack of mother-daughter communication. Findings suggest the mechanisms by which the younger sisters of childbearing teens themselves become vulnerable to early parenthood.

Older sisters are more likely to engage in caretaking and helping roles than older brothers,41,43 whereas boys are reported to be more aggressive with siblings than girls according to parent reports.17 Nevertheless, there are few consistent gender or age gap differences in sibling relations in early childhood. As second-born siblings become more cognitively, linguistically, and socially competent over the early years, they begin to take on more active roles in sibling interactions, for example by initiating more games or teaching their sibling.6,38,64 As such, the early power imbalance that exists between siblings seems to become less prominent as siblings age, and interactions become more equitable.2,6,29,34,50,78

Gabriela and Cecilia both attribute their academic and career pursuits to their parents. Ironically, neither Gabriela nor Cecilia saw themselves attending the same school; however, UCI offered the opportunity for these sisters to nurture their unique strengths in their respective fields.

If, for example, a big sister smacks her little brother and knocks him to the ground and the little brother screams at his sister, this isn't the time to lecture the little brother about how he could have handled that disagreement more appropriately.

Several years ago, I decided to explore the history of spiritualism and, in my readings, I stumbled upon two amazing women from the past. The Scottish countess Sibell Lilian Mackenzie (1878-1962, pictured here) was a spiritualist, believer in reincarnation, and a popular author of mystical romantic novels. Sibell had an awesome sixth sense, powerful enough to accurately predict an earthquake, and she claimed to have her very own Phoenician spirit guide. After discovering Sibell, I learned about her unconventional younger sister Lady Constance, swimming champion and big-game hunter, who scandalized British society with her half-naked barefoot dancing in the public theaters of London, Paris and New York. The beginnings of a novel were taking shape in my mind!

The house was reputed to be haunted, yet is reported to have been a prank.[10] (The sisters claimed in 1888 that they made the sounds by cracking their knuckles and other joints[10] as well as other means.[11] By that time, 40 years later, the sisters were famous mediums.[10][a]) Margaretta Fox, in her later years noted that neighbors were sure that the house was haunted, reputedly after a man who had been murdered in the house by an (innocent) man named Bell.[11][b]

On 14 November 1849, the Fox sisters demonstrated their spiritualist rapping at the Corinthian Hall in Rochester. This was the first demonstration of spiritualism held before a paying public and inaugurated a long history of public events featured by spiritualist mediums and leaders in the United States and in other countries.[14]

Charles Grafton Page, a patent examiner and patent advocate, had developed a keen eye for detecting fraudulent claims about science. In his book Psychomancy (1853), Page observed that the rapping sounds came from underneath the girls' long dresses.[19][f] In 1857, the Boston Courier set up a prize of $500 to any medium who could demonstrate a paranormal ability to their committee.[16] The Fox sisters made an attempt and were investigated by a committee which included the magician John Wyman.[20] The committee concluded the raps were produced by bone and feet movements and thus the Fox sisters failed the challenge.[16] A report by the Seybert Commission in 1887 stated that after investigating various mediums including Margaretta; the phenomena could have easily been produced by fraudulent methods. The report noted that the raps were heard close to Margaretta and a sance sitter, Professor Furness had felt pulsations in her foot.[16]

Margaretta expanded on her career as a medium after leaving the homestead to begin her Spiritualist travels with her older sister, Mrs. Underhill. Margaretta used new methods of creating raps by using the muscles of their lower leg.[11][g]

Pressured by the Spiritualist movement and her own dire financial circumstances, Margaretta recanted her confession in writing in November 1889, about a year after her exhibition. She had attempted to return to Spiritualist performances, but never again attracted the attention or paying clientele of the sisters' earlier careers.[11]

Kate died at her home, at 609 Columbus Avenue in New York City, on July 3, 1892.[28] Less than a year later, Margaretta, deep in alcoholism, was living on charity as the sole tenant of an old tenement house at 456 West 56th Street.[29] She was taken to the home of Spiritualist Mrs. Emily B. Ruggles, 492 State Street in Brooklyn, where she died on March 8, 1893.[30][31][4] All three sisters are interred in Brooklyn, New York: Margaretta and Catherine in Cypress Hills Cemetery,[32] and Leah with the Fox family in Green-Wood Cemetery.[33]

The Fox sisters have been widely cited in parapsychology and spiritualist literature. According to psychologists Leonard Zusne and Warren Jones, "many accounts of the Fox sisters leave out their confession of fraud and present the rappings as genuine manifestations of the spirit world."[34] C. E. M. Hansel notes in 1989 that "remarkably, the Fox sisters are still discussed in the parapsychological literature without mention of their trickery."[16]

The feminine security of these rappers against the inspection of their actual quomodo... if by search warrant, stratagem, or vi et armis, the rapping instrument of these Fox girls had been exposed to the public, there would not have been one doubt about the nature and origin of the spiritual communications.[19]

In this heartwarming episode of Pushing Forward with Alycia, join Alycia and her younger sister, Corinna Busciglio, as they journey down memory lane. Discover how sibling bonds, support, and unique perspectives have shaped their lives.

Explore the dynamic between Alycia, a motivational speaker advocating for disability inclusion, and her younger sister, Director of Strategic Communications for a technology company in Phoenix, Corinna. Hear how their upbringing fostered acceptance, understanding, and a shared passion for spreading a message of empowerment.

The authors suggest that an important next step is to determine if and how we can cultivate greater empathic tendencies in young children, and whether teaching one sibling, either older or younger, can in turn affect the empathy of the other sibling. Such work would also help address the broader question of how family interventions aimed at promoting positive developmental outcomes during childhood can benefit from focusing on relationships between siblings.

It is always great to be a younger sister as it comes with certain benefits. However there are sad truths that can make us resent the concept at certain points in our lives. Sometimes it is better and more revealing to stare at these realities and understand how we can manage the situations that it presents. Here are 9 sad truths about being a younger sister.

It can be a lot of fun to have a younger brother, but you might not always get along. However, if you are committed to improving your relationship, then there are lots of things you can do. Start by improving your communication with him and increasing the amount of quality time you spend together so that you will have lots of happy memories to share as you both grow older. You can also work on dealing with conflict in a healthy, productive way. With time and effort, your relationship with your brother will get better and better! 2351a5e196

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