Hao-Jen You
Welcome to my website. I am currently a Research Assistant at the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, with a primary focus on theoretical research. My work involves the exploration of new materials, leveraging first-principle calculations and machine learning to predict their properties. Additionally, I am engaged in experimental research in two key areas: the development of innovative hybrid thermoelectric materials and thin film devices. These endeavors are crucial for advancing next-generation flexible devices.
Discover New Materials
Experimental Study in Thermoelectrics
Apr. 2022 - Now (Research Assistant)
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica. (Prof. Hsin Lin’ s Laboratory)
Nov. 2020 - Dec. 2021 (Research Assistant)
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica. (Prof. Maw-Kuen Wu, Superconductor Laboratory)
Sep. 2017 - Nov. 2018 (Research Assistant)
Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica. (Prof. Kuei-Hsien Chen & Prof. Li-Chyong Chen, Advanced Materials Laboratory)
Apr. 2017 - Sep. 2017 (Research Assistant)
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica. (Prof. Yang-Yuan Chen, Nanomaterial and Low Temperature Physics Laboratory)
Taiwan president Ying-Jeou Ma received me at the Presidential Office in 2015
International Environment & Sustainability Project Olympiad 2015 Silver Medal
Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School Outstanding Alumni 1st Prize
Taiwan Internation Science Fair 2015 Environment Science 4th Prize
5. Hao-Jen You, Yi-Ting Chiang, Arun Bansil, Hsin Lin*, "Effects of Four-Phonon Scattering and Wave-like Phonon Tunneling Effects on Thermoelectric Properties of Mg2GeSe4 using Machine Learning", (2024). (Submitted)
4. Hao-Jen You*, Bo-Ying Su, Yi-Ting Chiang, Tse-Hsiao Lee, Hsu-Shen Chu, Hsin Lin**, “First-Principles Study on the Thermoelectric Properties of Sr2Si and Sr2Ge”, Mater. Today Phys. 32 (2023) 101015. (IF = 11.5) *Corresponding Author
3. Hao-Jen You*, Hsu-Shen Chu, Wen-Jin Li, Wen-Li Lee, “The Influence by Different Substrate Materials on Thermoelectric Module Using Bulk Legs”, J. Power Sources 438 (2019) 227055. (IF = 9.2) *Corresponding Author
2. Hui-Ching Chang*, Hao-Jen You, Raman Sankar, Ying-Jay Yang, Li-Chyong Chen, Kuei-Hsien Chen, “Enhanced thermoelectric performance of BiCuTeO by excess Bi additions”, Ceram. Int. 45 (2019) 9254-9259. (IF = 5.2)
1. Hui-Ching Chang*, Hao-Jen You, Raman Sankar, Ying-Jay Yang, Li-Chyong Chen, Kuei-Hsien Chen, “Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance via Oxygen Manipulation in BiCuTeO”, MRS Advances 4 (2019) 499-505. (IF = 0.8)
The 41st International Conference & The 7th Asia Conference on Thermoelectrics (Miyagi, Japan)
Study of Electronic and Phonon Transport Properties in Thermoelectric Materials Mg3(Sb1-xBix)2 Using First-Principles Calculations and Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials
The 21st Annual Meeting of the Thermoelectrics Society of Japan (Ibaraki, Japan)
第21回日本熱電学会学術講演会 (産業技術総合研究所つくば中央事業所, 日本)
Thermoelectric Properties Study of Mg2GeO4 and Ca2GeO4 Combined First-Principles Calculations and Machine Learning Approach
The 19th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (Prague, Czech)
Predicting Phonon Transport in Thermoelectric Sr2Si1-xGex Alloys from a Highly Accurate Machine Learning Interatomic Potential
First-Principles Study on the Thermoelectric Properties of Sr2Si and Sr2Ge
2021 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Thermoelectric Society (Yilan, Taiwan)
The Study of Different Substrate Materials on Thermoelectric Module Performance and Simulation
The 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites (Taipei, Taiwan)
Liquid Thermoelectric Composites Based on Bismuth Telluride and CNTs
Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Bi2Te3 Flexible Thermoelectric Materials
The 15th Annual Meeting of the Thermoelectrics Society of Japan (Miyagi, Japan)
第15回日本熱電学会学術講演会 (東北大学, 日本)
The Applications of Inorganic/Organic hybrid Bi2Te3 Flexible Thermoelectric Materials
無機/有機ハイブリッド Bi2Te3 系柔らかい熱電材料の応用
2018 International Conference on Solid State Device and Materials (Tokyo, Japan)
Realization of High Performance and Flexibility Thermoelectric Module via Hybrid Carbon-Based Materials and Bi2Te3 Alloy (Financial Support from SSDM)
The 37th International Conference & The 16th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (Caen, France)
Evaluation of Thin-Film Thermoelectric Device Properties and Efficiency by I–V Curves and Simulation
IUMRS-ICAM The 15th International Conference in Advanced Materials (Kyoto, Japan)
Flexible Thermoelectric Materials Bismuth Telluride on FCCL Substrate
The 35th International Conference & The 1st Asia Conference on Thermoelectrics (Wuhan, China)
The Influence by Different Materials of Substrates on the Efficiency of Thermoelectric Modules
Hao-Jen You
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
No. 128, Section 2, Academia Rd, Nangang District, Taipei City, 115, Taiwan
E-mail: Haojen.you[at]gmail.com