My husband and I love to talk, to ponder and to dig into everything from the most important things, like how to encourage a love of Scripture in our children, to the most silly, like how one might systematically train to be a carnival ride designer.

I am eternally grateful for the treasure I have found in my best friend and for the decade-plus she has walked alongside me. I am also eternally grateful for the friendship that continues to blossom between my husband and I. But I am even more grateful to have them both.

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The idea is to only level up to a certain point with friends, to find out when you should keep sending gifts and when you should stop and get new friends to repeat the process to achieve the most exp possible.

The ultra friend. This plays out as reaching 30 ultra friends for 3 months straight for a total accumulation of 5.22 million exp. Only 90 new friends are added. The total exp is doubled by using 2x exp each time a friend is levelled up to be a good, then great and finally ultra friend. A total of 9 lucky eggs are calculated to be used over the 90 day period. 10.44 million exp is gained by using the lucky egg with this method.

The best friend, is it worth it? 90 days straight receiving gifts from the same 30 friends? Using a lucky egg each time you level up, same as the ultra friend. Only 4 lucky eggs required for the 90 day period, provided your friends are consistent with their gift giving. If all goes to plan, a max of 4.74 million with 1xp or 9.48 million with 2xp.


My calculations show that reaching best friends is not the most effective way to accumulate exp. You are also relying on other people to send gifts consistently over a long period of time. This has greater associated risk to not receiving max potential exp. It is however the least intensive.

I am level 34. What I am going to be trying is presumably the most cost effective (because no eggs are needed) method which is reaching good friends only for a return of 8.1 million exp over 90 days (no eggs used).

If you can burn a couple of eggs (9 to be exact {eggs only used to achieve great, ultra and best friends}) the most exp is gained is by reaching ultra friends only to accumulate 10.17million exp over 90 days. This is much more efficient than aiming to reach great and even best friends in which you only earn 5.01mil and 9.39mil respectively over 90 days with the same egg using scenario.

One thing to note, I know you can receive and send gifts each day. A total of 30 gifts can be received and there is no limit on how many you can send (edit: 100 is the max). A specific friendship can only go up one level once per day, when you or that friend opens his or her gift. Essentially we can receive 30 gifts and send as many as we like daily, provided we have the gifts (a buddy pokemon can retrieve 5 gifts, 3x per day). With this in mind, we can accumulate a lot more exp by receiving AND sending to different friends.

This heightens the risk of going for more than 30 best friends in the 90 days because you are relying on more people to be as consistent as possible over 90 days. The more people you add, the more chance there is that people will quit, and there goes your best friend exp gain.

you are overthinking this. you are focussing on the opening gifts part too much. You can send 100 gifts per day (yes, there is a max) which gives you 100 more friends to level up with. It is way easier to manage 200 friends then a few trying to max profits.

As I may struggle with acquiring gifts due to being remote a lot, how would you spend say 30 gifts only opened a day on a 200 person friend list?

Do you focus on getting your ultra friends to best friends?

First round is halway the day at work, sending gifts i picked up to work and from my buddy. I send sorted to people who can receive a gift, working my way down, skipping anyone at 1 day to go and skipping any lucky friends.

second round is after work when i do my daily round for quests, shinies, raids or whatever there is to do. I usually drive through town, picking up gifts and quests, untill i get to our city hall (2 gyms and 2 stops all reachable from car). I take over the gyms if i want, scout for raids and send another batch of gifts. I then do my daily route picking op new gifts on the way.

I kept track yesterday of my routine i described.

I played roughly 1,5 hour, as i do most days. This is just the daily grind after work, no real hunting as the event is boring. With good events we tend to go real hunting after diner for another 2 - 2,5 hours.

I did multiple small gifting sessions and at the end of the day the opening/resending.

At the end of the day i had gifts to spare, and not even had to open the max 30, since other players opened first, or just did not send/open that day.

This is with 200+ friends, and just 1,5 hour of play.

So after this topic started I decided to add some new friends. over 50 friends have been added in a day, no new ones since.

As of today (almost a month later), 6 of those friends still need to open or send their FIRST gift. They are still at 0 hearts.

I can understand all of that. But why do you want to add people if you do ll that, for a month long. Why take the effort to post your code in an app (which takes time to watch a lot of adds or costs actual money), and do nothing with it?

/rant over

Product: The Sims 4


Which language are you playing the game in? English

How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)

What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Cats&Dogs, Seasons

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Just try having a Sim make 2 best friends. 

What happens when the bug occurs? Once the Sim makes a second best friend, the sim "loses touch" with the other best friend.

What do you expect to see? In real life, we have more than just one best friend. I want to see that in the game as well. It is a life simulation after all.

Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.

Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure

I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.

Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

I am just astonished how modders work harder than the people that are actually getting paid. No, I am not saying I don't enjoy the game but they surely could do a better job other than updating small things and giving less content than they did with Sims 3.

What I don't understand is why every sim that reaches a certain friendship level with your sim, asks to be your best friend. If you already have one and say 'no', then they get sad and friendship level drops. And why the seemingly harsh response choice: "no way"?! That's just mean. I'd rather say something along the lines of "hey, you're a really good friend that I don't want to lose, but I have a best friend already".

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We got an email last week from someone who lost a friend. Not just any friend died, her best friend died. The kind of friend that is family. You know the kind of friend I mean. Here is a little clip from her email:

I have had a terrible time finding anything online about losing your best friend. She was my closest, dearest friend for 25+ years. We lived less than a mile apart. We were like Oprah and Gayle best friends, you know? We vacationed together, etc. She was never married and I'm divorced, so we didn't have the distraction of families. I have a son but she was childless and loved my son like her own. He's grown, though, so we were able to hang out daily as best friends often do when they're younger, before marriages, etc.

Of course she is right, we know she is certainly not the only person dealing with this. Yet off the top of my head, I couldn't remember reading many articles specifically on coping when a best friend dies. This, of course, inspired me to do a Google search to see what's out there. That turned up a few sites on losing a pet (your other best friend) . . .

Anyway, all of this is just to say that this post is not going to be about all the general ways to deal with grief. We have a zillion other posts on coping with grief in a zillion different ways. All types of loss have their unique challenges and this post is going to be about what makes dealing with the loss of a friend uniquely difficult. Ready?

Aristotle described deep friendship saying, "What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies". Plato reflected deeply and extensively on the nature of friendship and love. Thousands of years later, psychologists are helping us understand why friendship is so important.

We know from a review of 148 studies on friendship that there is a 50% increased likelihood of survival for participants with stronger social relationships. Yup, people with good friends live longer and are healthier! Spending time with friends actually reduces stress in women by increasing their oxytocin levels, friendship has been linked with lower rates of hypertension and heart disease and women with breast cancer who had close friendships were found to live longer than those who did not.

I can throw all this friendship data at you, I can share the CS Lewis quote I love, Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... it has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival", but at the end of the day it is something that feels impossible to describe. 152ee80cbc

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