Yoshiaki Kawase (河瀬 良亮)
名前:河瀬 良亮 (カワセ ヨシアキ)
Y. Kawase. "Distributed quantum neural networks via partitioned features encoding." Quantum Machine Intelligence 6.1 (2024): 15. [paper]
Y. Kawase and K. Fujii. "Fast classical simulation of Hamiltonian dynamics by simultaneous diagonalization using Clifford transformation with parallel computation." Computer Physics Communications (2023).
[paper]Y. Kawase, K. Mitarai, and K. Fujii. "Parametric t-stochastic neighbor embedding with quantum neural network." Physical Review Research 4 (2022).
[paper]Y. Suzuki, Y. Kawase, et al. "Qulacs: a fast and versatile quantum circuit simulator for research purpose." Quantum 5 (2021).
[paper]Y. Kawase and S. Kasahara. "Priority queueing analysis of transaction-confirmation time for bitcoin." Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 16 (2020).
Y. Kawase and S. Kasahara. "A batch-service queueing system with general input and its application to analysis of mining process for bitcoin blockchain." 2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). IEEE, 2018.
Y. Kawase and S. Kasahara. "Transaction-confirmation time for bitcoin: A queueing analytical approach to blockchain mechanism." Queueing Theory and Network Applications: 12th International Conference, QTNA 2017.
2016年: 神戸大学物理学科卒業
2018年: 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科博士前期課程修了
2023年: 大阪大学基礎工学研究科博士後期課程修了