Webpage of 

Yoshihisa ASADA


京都大学とSaint Mary's大学で天文学を研究している浅田喜久(Yoshihisa ASADA)です。銀河の形成進化に興味があり、特に宇宙初期の銀河における星形成活動に着目した観測的研究をしています。このサイトでは最新の研究成果などを公開しています。

I am a PhD student at Kyoto University, and also working at Saint Mary's University. I am interested in the galaxy formation and evolution, and my researches have observationally focused on the star formation activity in galaxies at the early epoch of the Universe. 

More about me...

Social Links



Email: asada_at_kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please change "_at_" to "@")

Adress: 〒606-8502 京都府京都市左京区北白川追分町 京都大学理学研究科4号館 404号室

TEL: +81-(0)75-753-4286


(Oct 5, 2023)  Live interview on CTV Atlantic News at 5
(Sep 23, 2023) Press release on our paper from Saint Mary's University, Kyoto University and NSERC 

(Sep 15, 2021) Open this webpage

Recent research activities

(May 2, 2024) Oral presentation at Extreme galaxies conference

(Apr 17, 2024) Oral presentation at STScI Spring Symposium 2024

(Dec 14, 2023) A new paper is accepted for publication in MNRAS [ADS]

(Nov 19, 2023) A new paper is accepted for publication in ApJ [ADS]

(May 30, 2023) Oral presentation at The Olympian Symposium 2023

(May 02, 2023) A new paper is accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter. [ADS]

(Mar. 14, 2023) Oral presentation at 日本天文学会2023季年会

(Feb. 21, 2023) Oral presentation at The 9th Galaxy Evolution Workshop

See Research for more