York's Hot Flash Clinic
At the York Hot Flash Clinic we help patients struggling with hot flashes, specialising in menopausal women and cancer patients, at reduced rates.
The room is shared with one other patient separated by a room divider.
Available Monday 9am to 12:30pm.
30 to 45-minute appointments at £25
Image sourced from https://www.acupunctureforcommunity.org/the-5-points-of-the-nada-protocol
What is the NADA Protocol?
The NADA protocol of acupuncture involves the gentle insertion of five sterilised, very thin, disposable needles into specific points on each ear; no electrical stimulation is used. The treatment lasts between 40–45 minutes.
This therapy can help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, aid relaxation, and reduce anxiety, tension and insomnia.
The NADA protocol has been widely used to help with addiction recovery too due to its calming effect which reduces withdrawal symptoms.
During my Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture degree studies at the Northern College of Acupuncture (NCA) York, we visited the James Cook hospital in Middlesbrough where they have a dedicated building, the Trinity Holistic Centre, where the NADA protocol is used to help cancer patients reduce the side effects of the chemotherapy treatment and there is plenty of research and clinical practice that proves that auricular acupuncture is effective for hot flashes, for both menopausal women and cancer patients.
It was very inspiring to see that the NHS is calling upon alternative treatment modalities to help cancer patients with success.
Your health insurance may cover these. Worth checking with them!
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Monday 9am to 12:30pm
Open Bank Holiday Monday
30 to 45-minute appointments at £25
York's Hot Flash Clinic
At Ana Guerrero's Holistic Wellbeing Clinic (view website)
7 East Parade YO31 7YB, above Newton's Hairdressers