Medical Imaging Systems Lab @ Yonsei University

A Streak Artifact Reduction Algorithm in Sparse-View CT
Using a Self-Supervised Neural Representation
B. Kim, H. Shim, and J. Baek | Medical Physics (Editor's Choice)  

Figure 1: Overall framework of the proposed method for streak artifact reduction in sparse-view CT images.
Figure 7: Sparse-view CT reconstruction results of FBP, TV-IR, FBPConvNet, neural representation (denoted as Neur. Repr.), and the proposed method with and without BM3D on the Mayo Clinic data. The red boxes indicate regions of interest.

Figure 9: Enlarged regions of interest images in Figure 7

Convolutional Neural Network-Based Metal and Streak Artifacts Reduction in
Dental CT Images with Sparse-View Sampling Scheme

S. Kim, J. Ahn, B. Kim, C. Kim, and J. Baek | Medical Physics 

Figure 1: Overview of the proposed method for metal and streak artifacts reduction in sparse-view CT image.
Figure 8: The results on clinical datasets from 128 projection views. The ROI images are zoomed in for comparison. The display window is [0 1400] in HU.