Chair Professor of Finance

Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiaotong University


Research Interests

Empirical Corporate Finance;  Political Economy/Development; Behavioral Economics; Economic History; China Economy


Associate Editor at Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Finance, Management Science, Journal of Corporate Finance, China Economic Review

Co-Guest Editor at Review of Finance (Special Issue on China)

Ad Hoc Referees for top Econ/Finance/Management/Accounting/Science/Sociology journals

Research Settings:

I have studied a range of prominent social, economic and political phenomena in China, including (1)privatization, (2) business groups, (3) workplace safety, (4) the “death ceiling” program, (5) Sino-Japanese conflict, (6) fellow election at the China Academy of Science, (7) rural land rental markets, (8) Politburo election,  (9) air pollution and demand for health insurance, (10) loan officers' on-the-job trading, (11) the “Sent-down Youth” program during the Cultural Revolution, (12) superstition (Zodiac Year) and its real impact, (13) government expenditure auditing,  (14) target setting in Chinese banking industry;  (15) local government response to citizen concerns; (16) clan, elite control vs cooperation in modern China; and (17) Chinese collectibles bubble