Yonas Moges

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Adama Science and Technology University

MSc in Computer Science and Engineering

Email: softeng2006@gmail.com

DE Tools


Automation Tools

ML Tools

About me 

A Machine Learning Engineer with M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering and extensive ML algorithms, Python, Exploratory data analysis, transformation, visualization, feature engineering, and machine learning modeling experience. I am also experienced in creating fault-tolerant distributed and scalable end-to-end ML pipelines.s.


10 Academy (August 2022 - November 2022)

Machine Learning, Data Engineering, and Web3 Engineering Training

Key Courses:

Adama Science and Technology University (Oct 2016 - May 2019)

M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering

Key Courses:

Adama Science and Technology University (Oct 2009- Jun 2014)

B.Sc. In Information Technology

Key Courses:

Work Experience 

Haramaya University(May 2019- 2021)

Courses taught includes; 

INSA  (Jan 2015- Oct 2015)


This Telecom-Data-Analysis repo contain .py files which stated about the exploratory data analysis operations in detail on Telecommunication data. this exploratory data analysis shows cleaning, pre-processing, filling missing values and producing clean data that are ready for machine learning. the machine learning algorithm takes the clean data and perform some learning algorithm for producing learning model.

This project aims to forecast sales in all Pharmaceutical stores across several cities six weeks ahead of time. It is identified that factors such as competitor distance, promotions, school and state holidays, seasonality, and locality as necessary for predicting the sales across the various stores. Previously recorded data was provided and future sales prediction is made using that data.