Batareyalar v ya batareyalar olan mhsullar gndrirsinizs, ehtimal ki, litium batareyas testlrinin xlassi il laqdar bu il qvvy minmi yeni qaydalar bard mlumatnz var. Bir ox yeni siyast kimi, yanl rh v qarqlq dvr ola bilr.

Bu xlaslr, batareyalarn v ya hceyrlrin myyn edilmi beynlxalq thlksizlik tlblrin cavab vermk n test edildiyini tsdiqlyir. Tlb 1 iyul 2003-c il tarixindn etibarn istehsal olunan btn lityum batareyalar v ya batareyalar n ttbiq olunur v mhsul daxilind olanlar da daxil olmaqla hm batareyalar, hm d batareyalar n ttbiq olunur.

Yol Hrkti Qaydalar Test


Bu qaydalar yeni bir test ttbiq etmir. Xobxtlikdn, yeni qaydalar yalnz lityum batareyann v ya hceyrnin istehsals trfindn aparlm snaqlarla bal mlumat vermyi tlb edir.

Thlksizliy gr, lityum batareyalar, BMT trfindn tsdiq edilmi bir sra dizayn snaqlarna mruz qalr (BM-in Testlr v Meyarlar Tlimatnn 38.3 alt blmsi). Hal-hazrda, bu qaydalar he bir yeni test tqdim etmir.

Yeni qaydalar yalnz lityum batareyalar v ya hceyrlr istehsals trfindn artq snaqdan keirilmsin dair mlumat vermkl baldr. BMT-nin 38.3.5 tlimatna dzli edilmi lav, lityum batareyann snaq hesabatlarnn tdark zncirind mvcud bir test xlassi klind hazrlanmasn tlb edir. Bu xlaslr, batareyalarn istinad olunan thlksizlik tlblrin cavab vermk n snaqdan keirildiyini tsdiqlyir.

1 Recently recovered from COVID-19 means a period of 30 days after the initial onset of COVID-19 symptoms or, for COVID-19 cases who never developed symptoms, for a period of 30 days after the first positive test.

Where the tables refer to action to be taken on a specified day (e.g. "day 5" or "day 10"), day 1 is the first day following the onset of symptoms or, if no symptoms develop, the day following the first positive test.

(b) A recipient shall select and administer tests concerning employment so as best to ensure that, when administered to an applicant or employee who has a handicap that impairs sensory, manual, or speaking skills, the test results accurately reflect the applicant's or employee's job skills, aptitude, or whatever other factor the test purports to measure, rather than reflecting the applicant's or employee's impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills (except where those skills are the factors that the test purports to measure).

(3) Tests are selected and administered so as best to ensure that, when a test is administered to a student with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills, the test results accurately reflect the student's aptitude or achievement level or whatever other factor the test purports to measure, rather than reflecting the student's impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills (except where those skills are the factors that the test purports to measure).

(c) Placement procedures. In interpreting evaluation data and in making placement decisions, a recipient shall (1) draw upon information from a variety of sources, including aptitude and achievement tests, teacher recommendations, physical condition, social or cultural background, and adaptive behavior, (2) establish procedures to ensure that information obtained from all such sources is documented and carefully considered, (3) ensure that the placement decision is made by a group of persons, including persons knowledgeable about the child, the meaning of the evaluation data, and the placement options, and (4) ensure that the placement decision is made in conformity with 104.34.

(2) May not make use of any test or criterion for admission that has a disproportionate, adverse effect on handicapped persons or any class of handicapped persons unless (i) the test or criterion, as used by the recipient, has been validated as a predictor of success in the education program or activity in question and (ii) alternate tests or criteria that have a less disproportionate, adverse effect are not shown by the Assistant Secretary to be available.

(3) Shall assure itself that (i) admissions tests are selected and administered so as best to ensure that, when a test is administered to an applicant who has a handicap that impairs sensory, manual, or speaking skills, the test results accurately reflect the applicant's aptitude or achievement level or whatever other factor the test purports to measure, rather than reflecting the applicant's impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills (except where those skills are the factors that the test purports to measure); (ii) admissions tests that are designed for persons with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills are offered as often and in as timely a manner as are other admissions tests; and (iii) admissions tests are administered in facilities that, on the whole, are accessible to handicapped persons; and

(d) Validity studies. For the purpose of paragraph (b)(2) of this section, a recipient may base prediction equations on first year grades, but shall conduct periodic validity studies against the criterion of overall success in the education program or activity in question in order to monitor the general validity of the test scores.

(c) Course examinations. In its course examinations or other procedures for evaluating students' academic achievement, a recipient to which this subpart applies shall provide such methods for evaluating the achievement of students who have a handicap that impairs sensory, manual, or speaking skills as will best ensure that the results of the evaluation represents the student's achievement in the course, rather than reflecting the student's impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills (except where such skills are the factors that the test purports to measure).

Mzmununun ekspertizas il yana test taprqlarnn texniki ekspertizas da aparlr. Burada test taprqlarnn mtnindki qrammatik v stilistik shvlr, mtnin format, killrin, qrafiklrin v cdvllrin trtibat v s. qiymtlndirilir, lazm gldikd korreksiya edilir.

oxseimli test taprqlarndan istifad etmkl imtahanlarn texniki quru il (xsusi proqram tminatna malik kompyuterlrl) aparlmas v nticlrin avtomatik qiymtlndirilmsi mmkndr. Bu mqsdl Azrbaycan Tibb Universitetind Virtual Test Mrkzi faliyyt gstrmy balamdr.

Hazrlanm test taprqlar mvafiq qaydada ekspertizadan kedikdn sonra Virtual Test Mrkzin tqdim edilir. Virtual Test Mrkzin tqdim etmk n testlr aadak texniki tlblr mvafiq olmaldr:

Virtual Test Mrkzind tqdim edilimi test taprqlar dzgn cavab variantnn yeri dyidirilmkl xsusi ilmlrdn keirilir v fnn daxilind hr bir blmnin tmsil olunmas rtil imtahan testlri formaladrlr.

Bellikl, oxseimli testlrdn istifad olunmaqla tlblrin biliyinin texniki quru il qiymtlndirilmsi nticsind yoxlayan subyektin rolu minimuma endirilir, yni test imtahanlarnn nticlri onlarn kim trfindn keirilmsindn asl olmur. Ona gr d test imtahanlarnn fnn mllimlri v ya xsusi mtxssislr trfindn aparlmasna ehtiyac duyulmur.

Test sulu il qiymtlndirm zaman fnn proqramlarnn mnimsnilm keyfiyytini v etibarlqlq drcsini yksltmk, tlblrin imtahanlara hazrlamasnn smrsini artrmaq, elc d fnn proqramn tam hat etmk n test banknn yaradlmas mqsduyundur. Test taprqlar sritli v bu sahd tcrby malik olan mllimlr trfindn hazrlanmaldr.

3. Hazrlanacaq testlrin rus v ingilis dillrin trcm edilmsi nzr alnmaldr. Test taprqlarnn hr  dild anoloji olmaldr. Msln, test taprqlar ilkin olaraq Azrbaycan dilind trtib edilrs, onlar olduu kimi rus v ingilis dillrin trcm olunmaldr. Bu zaman test taprqlarnn nmrlnm ardcll dyimir.

4. Hazrlanm test bank kafedra iclasnda mzakir edilir, Tdris-metodik innovasiyalar bsind texniki ekspertizadan sonra Universitetin Mrkzi Metodik Komissiyasnda mzakir edilir. Dzgn cavab A) bndind yerldirilmi elektron variant Virtual Test Mrkzin tqdim edilir. Test bankndak taprqlarda dzgn cavablarn yerini dyiib, aar lav etmkl nr edilir v tlblrin istifadsin verilir (test bank imtahan sessiyasna n geci 1 ay qalm universitetin saytnda yerldirilir)

Mllimlrin i qbulu prosesind tkil olunan test imtahanlarnda hr bir namizd 90 dqiq rzind 40 ixtisas, 20 kurikulum olmaqla, 60 test tapr tqdim olunur. mtahanlar namizdlrin yaay blglri zr tkil olunacaq regional mrkzlrd Thsil Nazirliyi trfindn vvlcdn elan edilck qrafik uyun cari ilin avqust aynda hyata keirilir. Pandemiya il laqdar olaraq is 2020-2021-ci tdris ili zr mllimlrin i qbul msabiqsinin test imtahan mrhlsi nnvi olaraq Bak hrind deyil, karantin rejiminin mvafiq tlblrin uyun olaraq, 17 hr v rayon zr 32 mrkzd tkil edilmidir. Hr bir imtahan mrkzind itirak edck btn namizdlr COVD-19 testindn keckdir. Hminin, mllimlrin bilik v bacarqlarnn qiymtlndirilmsi il laqdar toplanan nticlr 1 tdris ili mddtind nzr alnacaq v qvvd qalacaqdr. ff782bc1db

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