• Recent reports project that by 2030, more than half of the adults (over 120 million adults) will be more prone to anxiety and stress.

  • There are about 3.5 billion (nearly 48%) people in the World including adult, children, and adolescents, who are facing health muddles in some or the other way, mentally or physically.

  • Cardiovascular diseases [CVDs] are the number 1 cause of death globally: more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause.

  • An estimated 21.7 million people died from CVDs in last 3 years, representing 35% of all global deaths. These were all resulted due to excessive stress, anxiety and pressure.

  • Over recent years it has been noticed that the mortality rate due to mental disorders has steeply risen by 22%.

  • Over 8 million deaths could be averted if people with mental illness were to die at the same rate as the general population.

Remember “HEALTH IS WEALTH” (literally)….

  • Yoga can totally transform your personality mentally, physically and spiritually with simultaneously improving your Health and Career!!!

  • Think about it, Stress is a Disease and people are looking out for ways to relax, calm out and at the same time remain healthy to maintain a steady Work-Life balance!!!

  • Everybody wants to live a healthy lifestyle. If you aren’t fit, it is almost impossible to live a happy and balanced life…

Health is above everything and this is the reason this Niche is Amazingly HUGE!

With every passing second, an enormous bunch of people is searching for techniques to alleviate stress out of their lives, be healthy and physically active by finding ways to cure some or the other illness AND YES they are ready to pay a heavy sum for it…

A Complete Info-Product with latest and up-to-date Yoga techniques is your gateway to get the Best of Both Worlds…… Health and Wealth!!!

  • People who are in desperate need of staying physically active and fit.

  • People who want to get their foot into health industry.

  • People who are trying to adapt to a stress-free and relaxed lifestyle.

  • People who are experiencing low confidence due to some reason.

  • People who are body conscious and want to look always good in front of others.

  • Athletes wanting to maintain their perfect body without going to Gym due to lack of time.

  • People who want to live a long and healthy life free from medication and drugs.

Health and Fitness products are for everyone who wants to enhance their lifestyle and rock the road they are walking.

  • What is Yoga and what are its Historical Roots?

  • The Science and Spirit of Yoga

  • How is Yoga Beneficial for your Health?

  • How to Establish Mind-Body Connection with Yoga?

  • Different Types of Yoga

  • Yoga Postures - Do's and Don't

  • Equipment and Accessories Mandatory for Yoga

  • Yoga Exercises

  • Introduction to Meditation with Yoga

  • Categories of Yoga Meditations

  • Health benefits of Meditation

  • Yoga Therapies for Common Illness

  • Yoga - Exclusive to kill Depression

  • The Future of Yoga As a Medicine

  • Special Advice for Apprentice - The Beginners

  • And so much more…..