Yoga Classes Cumming GA

Yoga Classes Cumming GA

Did you know that About 20 million Americans practiced yoga last year? That’s about 9% of the adult population, up from million in 2008, according to a 2012 study by Sports Marketing Surveys, published on According to “Discovery Fit & Health” Magazine, a lot of celebrities have made Yoga part of their daily lives, because Yoga offers enormous and powerful health promoting benefits.

Celebrities like Jenifer Aniston, Lady Gaga, Russell Brand, Geisel, Michelle Williams, Adam Levine and even America’s most famous physician Dr. Oz is an active Yogi. Doctors, researchers and the rest of us increasingly believe in Yoga's benefits for the body and mind. Yoga Classes Cumming GA. First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind System will deliver to you... If you are looking to Feel Focused and Energized, Look toned and lose excess weight naturally, I have good news for you! The measurable benefits of yoga and meditation are pretty hard to argue with, as research studies continue to roll in from major universities.

Yoga, appears to have profound effects on the nervous system, therefore producing many stress and anxiety benefits by reducing activity in certain key areas of the brain, most notably those related to stress. Yoga uses ancient techniques that can help you to live a happier, healthier life vibrating with purpose and vitality. Yoga’s simple poses that you can do just for 10 minutes a day will help you to transform your body and awaken YOUR MIND.

We here at Dove Yoga can assist you in better health and a healthier state of mind