Yoga: Nature-Based Stretching 

Engage with nature by practicing yoga poses that reinforce connection to the natural environment.

Important Information 

Seated Poses

Seated Mountain Pose

Sit comfortably with legs crossed, or sit upright on a chair or bench with feet on the ground.

Reach upward towards the sky stretching core muscles until hands conclude at a point (interlocking fingers), resembling a mountain peak.

Waist and back should be firm and aligned (as this is a stretch).

Can assist with core and upper body strength.

Use this pose with meditation and mindful breathing.

Lotus Pose

Sit cross legged (feet can be facing upward or towards the body depending on flexibility or comfort level), or sit upright on a chair or bench with feet on the ground.

Place hands on knees with palms facing up.

Use this pose with meditation, relaxation. 

This pose represents transcendence, as lotus flowers rise and bloom from the mud to become beautiful flowers.

Standing  Poses

Tree Pose

Stand straight and upright.

If able to do so, balance on one foot. (Alternatively, keep both feet on the ground).

Rest the other foot, toes facing down, against the thigh above the knee, or against your lower leg under the knee.  Do not place foot directly on the knee area.

Keep back and body straight and in alignment.

Gently press hands together in front of the chest.

Balance the body though the shoulders and upper half of the body Visualize the body as a majestic tree standing tall on a windless day.

Crescent Moon Pose

This is a lunge pose, as one knee is bent touching the ground while the other leg is bent at a ninety degree angle supporting the body's weight.

This pose does not have to be a full lunge (can be a half lunge, where back knee is not touching the ground, depending on balance and flexibility).

Raise both arms parallel to one another and reach straight up towards the sky.  Alternatively, arms can be stretched straight ahead, out to the sides, or lowered for safety and balance. 

This pose stretches leg muscles including the quads, hamstrings, calves and thighs.

Visualize the curve of the body as a crescent moon on a crisp, clear night.

Floor  Poses

Cat Pose

Popular beginner yoga pose.

Begin on hands and knees with the back arched up like a cat’s (hence the name) with head hanging downward.

Alternatively, stand next to a table or other stable surface, place hands on surface and arch back upwards with head hanging downward.

Align wrists and knees with each other.

This pose stretches the wrists, spine, core and shoulders, especially when paired with cow pose.

Can help with warm-up and assists with relaxation.

Cow Pose

This pose typically follows cat pose. 

Begin on hands and knees with back arched downward and head and shoulders reaching upward.  

Alternatively, stand and place hands on a table or other stable surface and arch back downward with head and shoulders reaching upward.

Helps to warm up core, spine, shoulders, hips and wrists. Visualize this pose as a cow relaxing in a sunny pasture.

Similar to cat pose, cow pose can help with relieving tension while also helping with mindful breathing. 

Notice stretching of shoulders, neck, hips and spine. 

Cobra Pose

Lay on soft surface with front of legs and bottom of torso flat on the surface.

Arms are braced under the upper torso, pushing upper torso upright. Head is lifted and facing slightly upward.  Arms remain slightly bent, shoulders are slightly pulled back.

Elbows can rest on the ground if needed.

Activates the core, leg, arm, shoulders and back muscles. Can help release muscle tension in lower back.

Can increase the level of stretch through raising shoulders and arching back.

Visualize a cobra quietly lifting its head to observe its surroundings .

Upward Dog

This pose is similar to cobra pose, but further extends arms and stretches back. 

Beginning on the floor, similar to cobra pose, this pose involves lifting one’s torso and legs entirely off the ground and arms are fully straightened and extended. 

If needed, knees can rest on the ground.

All of one’s body weight is directed towards palms of the hands and the top ends of the feet.

Align shoulders above hands/palms.

Encourages good posture as it stretches the spine.  Activates, shoulders, back and arm muscles.

Visualize a loyal dog stretching upward to greet his owner.