Yono TeenPatti Privacy Policy


Yono TeenPatti, alongside its affiliates, parent entities, subsidiaries, licensors, and licensees (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us"), is committed to developing, distributing, promoting, and providing diverse gaming experiences across various platforms, including mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as "Apps"). Through these Apps, we deliver gaming and social experiences, including the option for in-app purchases (collectively referred to as "Services").

Automated Data Collection; Device Identifiers, Cookies, and Other Tracking Mechanisms

To enrich your interaction with our Apps and Services and to collect insights into your usage patterns, we may deploy cookies, including Flash cookies, transparent GIFs, server log analysis, and other tracking technologies, both existing and potential future innovations. Similar to numerous websites, our Platform, along with third parties acting on our behalf, like Google Analytics, maintains log files and utilizes cookies and other tracking tools to gather information.

Automated information collected may include the following: - Language preferences, entry and exit pages, and URLs. - Your geographical location (with your consent). - A distinctive device identifier (where permissible). - Your device's operating system and platform. - The network used by your device. - Your device's model and designation. - Timestamps of your App, Site, and Services usage. - The duration of your gameplay sessions or visits to our Site and Services.

Choices Regarding Tracking Technologies/Declining Personal Data Sales

Opting out of data sales doesn't necessarily mean opting out of using previously sold personal data or halting all personalized advertising. If you access our site (or app) from other devices or browsers, please visit the provided link from those devices or browsers to ensure your preferences apply to the data collected during their use.

For more information on opting out of personal data sales, kindly refer to the "California Privacy Rights" section of this declaration.

Cookie management: Most web browsers are configured to accept cookies by default. If you prefer, you can learn how to delete or reject cookies in your browser settings. However, please note that choosing to delete or reject cookies may impact certain features or services on our website. Deleting cookies may also erase settings and preferences controlled by those cookies, including advertising preferences, which may need to be reset.

Data Utilization Practices

We utilize the personal data we collect for purposes outlined in this privacy statement or communicated to you. Some examples include: - Offering Apps and delivering Services to you. - Corresponding with you regarding your App and Services usage. - Addressing your queries. - Processing your orders. - Providing customer support. - Tailoring content and information we present to you. - Personalizing your experiences on our Site, Apps, or Services.

Data Sharing

We may disclose or publish aggregated information (data that doesn't identify you specifically) and other non-personal data about our users for various business objectives, including industry analysis, demographic profiling, marketing, analytics, advertising, and more.

Additionally, we may share your data, which may include personal information, with third parties or authorize third parties to collect this data from our Site, Apps, or Services under specific circumstances. These may include: - Third-party vendors, service providers, contractors, or agents assisting us with various functions. - Sharing with your explicit consent. - As part of corporate transactions such as mergers, acquisitions, or sales of our business or assets.

Your Preferences Regarding Personal Data Usage

We may periodically send you promotional or informational emails. Should you wish to opt out of receiving promotional emails, please follow the instructions provided in the email. Please note that it may take some time for us to process opt-out requests. Opting out of promotional emails won't affect emails related to your account or requested Services.

If you desire to review, delete, or amend the information we hold about you, request that we cease active utilization of your data, or have any queries, please reach out to us at net.yoller.tprang. Include your request and identifying details in the email body, such as your first name, last name, and email address or login name used for accessing our App and Services.

European Data Protection Rights

If EU data protection laws are applicable to your personal data, you have specific rights: - Request access to, correction of, or deletion of personal data. - If automated processing of personal data relies on your consent or a contract, you can request data transfer or receive a copy of the personal data. - If personal data processing relies on your consent, you can withdraw it for future processing. - Under certain circumstances, object to or restrict personal data processing. - If you are a resident of France, provide us with instructions for the posthumous use of your data.

Security of Your Personal Information

We have implemented commercially reasonable measures to safeguard your information from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. However, no data security measures can guarantee 100% security. You should also take steps to secure your password, mobile device, and computer to prevent unauthorized access.

Effective Date; Policy Amendments

Every time you engage with our Site, Apps, or Services, the current version of the Privacy Policy applies. Therefore, it's advisable to verify the Privacy Policy's date (located at the top) and review any changes since the previous version when using our Site, Apps, or Services. This Privacy Policy may undergo periodic updates. Unless otherwise specified, the current Privacy Policy applies to all information we hold about you. We won't significantly alter our policies and practices to make them less protective of customer information collected in the past without the consent of affected customers.