Yu-Ming Eric Chen

I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Pennsylvania with Prof. Michael Posa in the GRASP Lab.

I received my Bachelor's degree in Physics from National Taiwan University, and Master's degree in Robotics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. My research interests center around reduced-order models, motion planning and control for legged robots. Recently, I have started to explore and apply machine learning to model-based approaches.


More about me

I am interested in getting mobile robotic platforms to dynamically and safely interact with the real world, and enabling useful applications.

I have been working with bipedal robots since 2016. As the first PhD student adopting the robot Cassie in the GRASP lab, I designed and built many parts of the software infrastructure using Drake from scratch, and developed Cassie's state estimator and baseline standing/walking controller on hardware.

My current research focuses on automatic synthesis of high-performance reduced-order models for legged robots, with the application in real-time planning and control.