
I'm Yinming Shao, currently a postdoctoral research scientist in Prof. Dmitri Basov's group at Columbia University. I am interested in the discovery, understanding and control of quasiparticles in layered quantum materials using various optical spectroscopy and nano-imaging tools.

Research Highlights

Landau levels spectroscopy sheds light on Semi-Dirac fermions at the crossing point of two Dirac nodal-lines (Left: Fermi surface, Right: Band structure) 

Nano-photocurrent utilizes the strong electric field at the apex of a metallic tip to explore local nonlinear response

Propagating hyperbolic plasmon polaritons are imaged in layered semimetal using nano-optics.

Magnetic Excitons appear in magnetic semiconductors with an A-type Antiferromagnetic order, with unique quantum confinement effects.