Welcome to my website! My name is pronounced as "Ying-jie Chee". I am an assistant professor at Copenhagen Business School with a PhD in Finance from Stockholm School of Economics. My research interests are banking, corporate finance, financial intermediation, and household finance. Please find my CV here.

Email: yingjiee.qi@gmail.com

Address: Solbjerg Pl. 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark

Working papers

Abstract: Buyers and suppliers have diverging interests about trade-credit maturities: buyers desire long payment periods as a source of cheap funding, while suppliers prefer swift payments to avoid locking up scarce liquidity in idle assets. A fast-growing financial product innovation---supply-chain finance (SCF)---offers to resolve these diverging interests, but its net effect on suppliers is a priori unclear. We study the effects of SCF programs on suppliers using unique invoice-level data from a large Swedish bank. We find that SCF programs relax suppliers’ liquidity constraints and thereby enable them to grow their sales, employment, and investments.

Conferences: CICF 2023, FMA 2023

Conferences: CICF 2024


Summary: Within bank-firm relationships, profit from non-loan products cross-subsidizes loans and increases both credit supply and lenience in delinquency. 

Conferences: AFA 2021, CICF 2021, EFA 2020, European Central Bank Young Economists’ Competition 2020 

Awards:  Peter Högfeldt Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis 2022,  ECB Young Economists' Competition Finalist 2020, Handelsbanken Doctoral Award 2019, EFA Doctoral Tutorial Best Paper Prize 2019

Summary: Misconduct (mis-selling and hidden fees etc.) in traditional banking sector drives borrowers to online lenders.

Conferences: EFA 2018, CEPR Third European Workshop on Household Finance, 4th IWH-FIN-FIRE Workshop in Halle

Selected work-in-progress

Permenant working paper


2022 Evaluation: mean = 4.9/5, N = 130 (Bachelor Program in International Business and Politics)

2023 Evaluation: mean = 4.7/5, N = 70 (Bachelor Program in Service and Management)

2024 Evaluation: mean = 4.7/5, N = 124 (Bachelor Program in Service and Management)
