"Hardly any subfield of political science methods has witnessed such dynamic development in recent years as the literature on case study designs. Case studies have always been at the core of central advances in political sciences research, but only in recent

years have the methodological underpinnings been elaborated on in corresponding depth. The book by Joachim Blatter and Markus Haverland contributes significantly to this field of study in two ways: firstly, it suggests a new, convincing typology of case studies; and secondly, it takes the 'designing' aspect of its title seriously by including many case studies from political science research to provide practical illustrations of their three suggested modes of designing case studies." - Julian Junk, West European Politics, 36:4, 893-894

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Spotify recently adopted Figma as their main design and prototyping tool. In this case study they openly share their reasoning behind it, how they went about it (including challenges), and their experience from the entire switch.

Sascha, currently a design lead at Any.Do, shares his process for designing a video creation platform for Promo.com. Also worth checking out his other case studies, which include a VR Gallery for Daydream app.

Because of the situation we're in, e-commerce is booming right now, and I thought it might be useful to cover ta few case studies on the subject. In this one, Tiago shares his initial process for redesigning an e-commerce site for a small Portuguese shirt tailor. Although the case study is a few years old, his methods are evergreen and to the point.

Lex Roman is specialised in Growth Design and shares her process trough interesting case studies in her portfolio. I also recommend taking a look at her blog, if your interested in the field of Growth Design.

Well-documented case studies can show that design needs to be much more than a list of client deliverables. Focusing first on process shows design as a deliberate collaborative act, not a solitary one. The sketches, user journeys and mockups all help the reader to visualize the work and, more importantly, to see that it was created by human beings. We see how design comes into being, not just what the pieces look like like at the end.

Whatever the exact steps of your human-centered design process, it will need to include research and exploration. You can present research in case studies as process-oriented chunks. This could mean photos of a wall covered with stickies, complex illustrations and structural sketches, or even data models and usability results.

In his essay on the co-design process (PDF), Marc Steen develops the idea that we need co-inquiry and collaborative exploration in order to develop solutions to briefs. We define artifacts as the solution, but they need to come from a collaborative, human-centered approach to the design goals. Case studies are best when they show real relationships between research, data and solutions.

The Tele Finland case study from Werklig contains a wealth of iconography and type exploration. The whimsical shapes and colors all work together as modular elements. Even small details, like the rounded corners on elements and the custom typography, feel like parts of a larger modular system.

Earlier in this article, I emphasized process over artifact. So, does showing these components promote design artifact over the design process? Not at all. Visual and UI design choices come after we synthesize all of the research data we looked at earlier. We gather button styles, animations and visual patterns in case studies to show that we understand the problem and can craft solutions. In showing the components parts of a solution, we see the people and knowledge at work.

As much as we talk about concrete deliverables, our work as web designers is entwined with emotion. Users and clients feel joy, satisfaction, confidence, even confusion when using the websites and apps we build. Case studies provide us with a chance to define exactly what type of experience we were aiming for and whether or not our work matched up.

In their case study for the Knight Fellowships, Mule Design features a quote (Note: This link points to a version on archive.org as the example was recently taken offline.) from their client very prominently, a validation of the high-quality experience they designed.

All that research, development and testing of interfaces act as context for this section of your case study. At the end, we should see clear examples of how your project was launched and viewed by the public.

Undoubtedly, case studies themselves are a type of complex design artifact. But we do the design community and ourselves a disservice when we fill them with overly rendered and unrealistic mockups of our work. Isometric mockups, for example, are a recent trend, and their staged flashiness obscures any real design solution. Emphasis is incorrectly put on the artifacts themselves as images, not on the process and creative solution behind them.

Digital design is a complex field, one requiring empathy, visual clarity and conceptual depth. If we are to continue to learn and grow as an industry, we must learn first-hand from our colleagues about strategy, critical thinking and design process. Studying the process of others, not just the artifacts, enables us to develop a more nuanced, human-centered approach to our own process, and to present that in carefully organized case studies.

Materials and methods:  Longitudinal case studies of a seizure detection and reporting technology for epilepsy (Southern England, 2018-2019), a telehealth service for heart failure (7 UK sites, 2016-2018), and a remote video consultation service (Scotland-wide, 2019-2020). We carried out interviews with 158 participants and collected more than 200 pages of field notes from observations. Within- and cross-case analysis was informed by sociotechnical theory.

Results:  In the epilepsy case, co-design prioritized patient-facing features and focused closely around a specific clinic, which led to challenges with sustainability and mainstreaming. In the heart failure case, patient-focused co-design produced an accessible and usable patient portal but resulted in variation in uptake between clinical sites. Successful scale-up of video consultations was explained by a co-design process involving not only the technical interface, but also careful reshaping of work practices.

Discussion:  A shift is needed from co-designing with technology users to co-designing with patients as service users, and with healthcare staff as professionals. Good co-design needs to involve users, including those who engage with the technology-supported service bothdirectly and indirectly. It requires sensitivity to emergence and unpredictability in complex systems. Healthcare staff need to be supported to accommodate iterative change in the service. Adequate resourcing and infrastructures for systems-focused co-design are essential.

Case studies are an incredibly effective form of marketing that you can use to help promote your product and plan your marketing strategy effectively. You can also use it as a form of customer analysis or as a sales tool to inspire potential customers.

A case study is a research method to gain a better understanding of a subject or process. Case studies involve in-depth research into a given subject, in order to understand its functionality and successes.

A marketing case study is a type of marketing where you use your existing customers as an example of what your product or services can achieve. You can also create case studies of internal, successful marketing projects.

Case studies are meant to show off your successes, so make sure you feature your positive results prominently. Using bold and bright colors as well as contrasting shapes, large bold fonts, and simple icons is a great way to highlight your wins.

Did you know you can generate an accessible color palette with Venngage? Try our free accessible color palette generator today and create a case study that delivers and looks pleasant to the eye:

In addition to being a good way to gather positive testimonials from existing customers, business case studies are good educational resources and can be shared amongst your company or team, and used as a reference for future projects.

I know this is not as fun as designing your website but like most things in life, it helps to get the hardest task out of the way first. Near the end of the project you will just want to press that launch button, so anything you write at that time will be rushed and lazy. Or even worse, you will hit a wall and procrastinate launching the whole thing.

I've read research that says one of the first things people read in a newspaper are the little captions underneath the images. Think of your case study the same way. If someone scrolls through your case study and only reads the little 1-2 sentence captions, they should still understand your project. Focus on the captions first, and then fill in any lengthier content.

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is launching the Next Generation National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) in April 2023. Case studies will be associated with the new question types used to measure clinical judgment. Can you write a case study that measures clinical judgment? If you want some suggestions, join Dr. Christi Doherty and her colleague, Ms. Tonya Taylor, at the 2022 Nursing Education Accreditation Conference for an interactive presentation on how to design a case study.

The next step is to incorporate case studies into the student learning experience. An effective case study follows the NCSBN guidelines with six questions that measure the necessary cognitive process a nursing student must develop. The presentation given at the accreditation conference will guide nurse educators through setting goals for the case study and leveling to student competencies. Strategies will be shared for telling the clinical story and using that story to bring the case alive for the student, putting them at the bedside. Then, we will walk nurse educators through deciding what matters most, what it means, and what the nurses can and should do for the patient in the story. Finally, determining what worked and how you verify that it did. This completes the design for a case study that meets NCSBN guidelines for measuring clinical judgment. be457b7860

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