Yimin Tang

 USC PhD Student

而你,  我的朋友, 你活在一个更大的夜之城里, 我向你respect

And you, my friend, live in a much bigger Night City, I give you 敬礼

Short Bio

Email: yimintan at usc.edu

Now, I'm a PhD student at USC working with Sven Koenig, Jiaoyang Li, Erdem Bıyık, T. K. Satish Kumar and Shanghua Teng. My research is focused on Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF). I am also interested in MBRL like World Model. 

Before USC, I got my master from CMU RI and worked with Katia Sycara, Jiaoyang Li and Zhongqiang Ren. I received a B.Eng. in Computer Science from ShanghaiTech University in 2020 and worked with Kewei Tu, Xumin He, Sören Schwertfeger. I visited CMU in 2019, advised by David Held and Thomas Weng. I also worked as a SDE in Microsoft AzureStack Team for a year.

I am familiar with traditional data structures and algorithms and have several prizes in National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces (NOIP), National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI), and International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). My first programming language is Pascal.


University of Southern California (2023.8 - Now )

Doctor of Philosophy, Computer ScienceViterbi School of EngineeringAdvisor: Prof. Sven Koenig

Carnegie Mellon University (2021.8 - 2023.8

Master of Science in Robotics Robotics InstituteMaster Thesis: Solving Multi-Agent Target Assignment and Path Finding with a Single Constraint TreeAdvisor: Prof. Katia Sycara and Prof. Jiaoyang Li 

ShanghaiTech University  ( 2016.9 - 2020.7 )

B.E in Computer Science and TechnologyThe School of Information Science and Technology(SIST)Undergraduate Thesis: 《使用生成对抗网络从人脸到动漫的风格转换》 (指导老师: 何旭明“Convert People Face to Cartoon Using Three-Stage GAN” (Advisor: Prof. Xumin He)

Work Experience

Software Engineer, Microsoft  ( 2020.7 - 2021.8 )

AzureStack Storage Team, Shanghai

Research Intern, Futurewei  ( 2024.5 - now )

Machine Learning Team, Santa Clara


Current Organized Competition (Welcome to Join)

The League of Robot Runners

Sponsored by Amazon Robotics, this is a competition series where participants tackle the core combinatorial challenges found in cooperative multi-robot coordination problems
Robot Dynamics 🤖Lifelong Planning ♻️Task Assignment 🎯 Real-Time Execution ⏳


Soccer Project

The simple morphology (right) is working.
Training spider now......
Recruiting people to join this project ......

RAILGUN: A Unified Convolutional Policy for Multi-Agent Path Finding Across Different Environments and Tasks (in review)

Yimin Tang*, Xiao Xiong*, Jingyi Xi, Jiaoyang Li, Erdem Bıyık, Sven Koenig

First Centralized Learning-Based Method

Foundation Model for MAPF

Accelerating Focal Search in Multi-Agent Path Finding with Tighter Lower Bounds (in review)

Yimin Tang, Zhenghong Yu, Jiaoyang Li, Sven Koenig

Twice search [Shortest Path Search+Best-First Search]  

faster than 

Once search [Focal Search] 

Enhancing Long Context Performance in LLMs Through Inner Loop Query Mechanism (NeurIPS 2024 Workshop)

Yimin Tang, Yurong Xu, Ning Yan, Masood Mortazavi

Arxiv: link

Self-Loop, Long Context, Memory, Needle in a Haystack

Enhancing Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding with Cache Mechanism (in review)

Yimin Tang*, Zhenghong Yu*, Yi Zheng, T. K. Satish Kumar, Jiaoyang Li, Sven Koenig
Arxiv: link  Code: CAL-MAPF 

Invoving Cache in Lifelong MAPF

ITA-ECBS: A Bounded-Suboptimal Algorithm for Combined Target-Assignment and Path-Finding Problem (SoCS 2024)

Yimin Tang, Sven Koenig, Jiaoyang Li
Code: ITA-ECBS     Slides: pdf 

Bounded Suboptimal Version for ITA-CBS

Solving Multi-Agent Target Assignment and Path Finding with a Single CBS Tree (MRS 2023 Best Paper Candidate)

Yimin Tang, Zhongqiang Ren, Jiaoyang Li, Katia Sycara
Code: ITA-CBS     Slides: pdf  also presented at ICAPS 2024

Don't do hierarchical search, Do all levels together


Multi-modal transfer learning for grasping transparent and specular objects(RA-L with ICRA 2020)

Thomas Weng, Amith Pallankize, Yimin Tang, Oliver Kroemer, David Held

Can grasp transparent objects with RGBD images

Turning Mice into Tangibles

Enabling Tangible Interaction on Non-touch Displays with Optical Mouse Sensor and Visible Light Communication (CHI 2022)
Code: https://github.com/kiki0805/HCI-Mouse

Mouse has a high speed low resolution camera




AWAP 2023  PintOS: 2nd runner up ($400) !

