Yi-Fu Lai

Yi-Fu Lai


Nice to meet you! I am Yi-Fu Lai hailing from Taiwan. Since October 2023, I've been working as a post-doc researcher in Eike Kiltz's lab within CASA at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Before that, I was a mathematics PhD student at the University of Auckland, where I was fortunate to have Steven Galbraith as my advisor, starting from 2020. 

(PhD Thesis: Advanced Isogeny-based Cryptosystems.)

My main research interest lies in constructing cryptosystems that are provably secure from post-quantum assumptions. In pursuit of this goal, I also enjoy exploring the limits of the cryptographic tools and doing cryptographic analysis and reductions.

Keywords: Post-quantum cryptography, isogeny cryptography, lattice cryptography, code cryptography, public-key cryptosystems; oblivious transfers, ring signatures, group signatures, blind signatures, generic proof systems, zkSNARKs, identification schemes, verifiable random functions.


If you have any questions or are interested in my research, feel free to reach out to me.


Yi-Fu.Lai [at] ruhr-uni-bochum de     ;     27182818284fu.lai [at] gmail com

Conference Publication & Preprints

Journal Article

Available Slides





Seminar: in a team. / Talk: more open or larger.

Research Visits


I have been fortunate enough to visit the following institutes and departments for academic communications:

I am fortunate enough to participate as a sub-reviewer for the following conferences:

Asiacrypt2021/ PQCrypto2021/ Eurocrypt2022/ Mathcrypt2022/ AsiaCCS2023/ Eurocrypt2023/ Crypto2023/ Asiacrypt2023/ Mathcrypt2023/ Eurocrypt2024