Tsai Group

Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology

Theoretical Study of Particle Physics & Cosmology

We focus on physics beyond the standard model, including hidden sector physics, gravitational wave cosmology, neutrino cosmology, axion physics, and solutions to the Higgs hierarchy problem.

An important part of the research is to find new ways to explore new physics in existing and future experiments, such as the general purpose detector of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), gravitational wave detectors, and the observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) as well as the Large Scale Structure (LSS) of the universe.

Cosmological particle production and signals on the CMB

Search of exotic CMB signals can probe super heavy particles produced during cosmic inflation

Cosmo constraints on the neutrino mass & lifetimes

Early universe is a great place for studying neutrino physics!

Stochastic gravitational wave background

Anisotropic GWB may tell us how the universe looks like in the early dark ages

Cosmology of Hidden Naturalness models

Certain scenarios address the Higgs hierarchy problem leave observable cosmo signals, even help to relax some tensions in the cosmological data

Axions in the early universe

A rolling axion coupling to dark radiation can generate observable B-mode signals

Gamma-ray signals from dark matter

Particle DM or primordial black holes may produce gamma-ray signals. The signal's energy spectrum and galaxy-dependence, or its correlation to the GW may reveal the DM identity

Probing dark matter or dark sector particles at the LHC or LHCb experiments

Collider experiments are powerful tools to study a wide variety of new physics models with precise measurements