Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Re-Summoned


The plot centers around Jaden Yuki and his friends, and tells of their adventures at Duel Academy. The fourth season, the Nightshroud Saga, covers their graduation from the Academy.

This is the only season of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX that has not yet been dubbed in English.

"What's the purpose for the Re-Dub?"

Yu-Gi-Oh GX was dubbed by 4 kids entertainment but never finished it's run and released the final 4th season. so what this project hopes to achieve is release that 4th season with a new voice cast and a story that stays true to the original adaptation keeping the original themes and story as is just with a English dub to finish the series.

Where can i join?

You can join the project by following the twitter page and the discord down below!

Yu-Gi-Oh!_GX _Promo_CGZ (1).mp4


We're currently looking for Editors, Monster Actors, And Promotional Artists! Come by and tryout!

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Patreon

Tap on the logo to join the patreon and support the project.

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Discord

Tap on the discord icon to join the community for this project!

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Twitter

Tap on the twitter logo to follow the posts from this project!

Check out these great vids!

Beyond does a rap as Jaden Yuki!

Here we can see Beyond drop some rhymes as Jaden Yuki (18+) in a wonderful cover featuring the incredible LittleKuriboh!