Course Notes - Data Structures

  1. Week 1 - Introduction and Python Primer [Notebook1] [Notebook2] [pdf1] [pdf2][Ans] [Shqip]
  2. Week 2 - Object-Oriented Programming
  3. Week 3 - Algorithm Analysis
  4. Week 3 - Recursion [Notebook]
  5. Week 4 - Array-Based Sequences [Pdf]
  6. Week 5 - Stacks, Queues, and Deques
  7. Week 6 - Linked Lists
  8. Week 7 - Trees
  9. Week 8 - The Priority Queue Abstract Data Type
  10. Week 9 - Maps, Hash Tables, and Skip Lists
  11. Week 10 - Search Trees
  12. Week 11 - Sorting and Selection
  13. Week 12 - Text Processing
  14. Week 13 - Graph Algorithms
  15. Week 10 - Memory Management and B-Trees