Yeping Zhang

I was a researcher working on differential geometry and complex geometry.

I defended my thesis in 2016, and worked as a postdoctoral reseacher from 2017 to 2022.

Curriculum Vitae


  • With L. Fu, Motivic integration and the birational invariance of BCOV invariants.

To appear in Sel. Math. New Ser.. arxiv.

  • BCOV invariant and blow-up.

To appear in Compos. Math.. arxiv.

  • An extension of BCOV invariant.

Int. Math. Res. Not. (2022), no. 8, 5973–6018. arxiv.

  • With M. Puchol and J. Zhu, Scattering matrices and analytic torsions.

Anal. PDE. 14 (2021) no. 1, 77–134. arxiv.

  • The direct image of a flat fibration with complex fibers.

Bull. Sci. Math. 176 (2022), Paper No. 103115, 54 pp. arxiv.


  • With L. Fu, A remark on the higher torsion invariants for flat vector bundles with finite holonomy.


  • With M. Puchol and J. Zhu, A comparison between the Bismut-Lott torsion and the Igusa-Klein torsion.


  • With M. Puchol and J. Zhu, Adiabatic limit, Witten deformation and analytic torsion forms.


Talk slides

  • Quillen metric, BCOV invariant and motivic integration. pdf.

  • Adiabatic limit, Witten deformation and analytic torsion forms. pdf.

Last update: January 9th 2023