New Frontiers in String and Field Theories

January 27 (Mon) - 28 (Tue), 2020, Yeongjongdo, Incheon

The aim of this workshop is to bring together active hep-th researchers in Korea to exchange new ideas and to discuss recent developments. It is also to provide a venue for young researchers to present their work and interact with other colleagues.


Sunjin Choi (Seoul National University)

Richard Eager (KIAS)

Dongwook Ghim (KIAS)

Yuji Hirono (APCTP)

Lavneet Janagal (KIAS)

Jung-Wook Kim (Seoul National University)

Sejin Kim (Kyung Hee University)

Kanghoon Lee (IBS)

Ki-Hong Lee (Seoul National University)

June Nahmgoong (KIAS)

Matthieu Sarkis (KIAS)

Jaewon Song (APCTP)

Minwoo Suh (Kyungpook National University)


Hee-Cheol Kim (POSTECH)

Seok Kim (Seoul National University)

Sung-Soo Kim (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)

Kimyeong Lee (KIAS)

Sangmin Lee (Seoul National University)

Sungjay Lee (KIAS)

Jaewon Song (APCTP)

Workshop Secretariat

JeongEun Yoon (KIAS)