Twenty-something Richard travels to Thailand and finds himself in possession of a strange map. Rumours state that it leads to a solitary beach paradise, a tropical bliss - excited and intrigued, he sets out to find it.

If you're thinking of going someplace exotic or finding a movie to go to someplace exotic, Bangkok and the beach are not your answer. This is an extremely unpleasant film because it is an unpleasant view of the society that none of us fortunately ever have to witness because we avoid it, and it's an ugliness that should not be confused as entertainment. The audience is going to be manipulated by the beauty of the paradise that is seen, but when the twist comes, it's 1 so unpleasant and reprehensible that you wish you would never taken the trip. If there's one thing that this film shows, it's the view of Americans that is not favorable in places like this, not as long as they can't get cash out of you or destroy your soul in the process, and that seems to be what's going to happen to Leonardo DiCaprio here.

For one thing, he's staying and probably one of the most disgusting hostels or hotels or whatever you want to call this place here, a place where people can literally get on a chair and look into your bedroom and harass you to see if you have drugs. That results in the discovery of a suicide in the room next to DiCaprio's, as well as a map to the so-called paradise of a beach. There are so many other movies that show paradise is like this, that you can easily avoid taking this trip which leads to the voyager on the road to ruin. It's also a very manipulative movie, negative in ways that it doesn't show directly on screen, but with motivations that are ugly shallow and dangerous, especially to the target audience got it was made for in 2000.

If I encountered 90% of the people in this movie while on a trip, I would be on the next plane out of there. I couldn't imagine having such an unpleasant vacation, and where DiCaprio is lead can only results in one thing. Yes, this was a big blockbuster at the time, but time is always the judge in movies like this, and seeing it again, I see it for what it is, and it is not enjoyable in any way. Shallow disgusting characters, horrible writing, a direction that's all over the place, and so many unbelievable ridiculous situations makes this one of the most disturbing films of modern times, a film with such disgusting messages that is a catastrophe to think that this ever got the light of day from a major Hollywood studio.

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For some reason I thought "The Beach" was about nuclear disasters or something... not sure why. In reality, the film is about an island where a group of people live away from the world (to an extent, though they hypocritically rely on civilization for supplies)... for some unknown reason undiscovered by mainlanders or airplanes, though they are only a few miles from other people.

While the film had some flaws, overall it was really good, I guess. Leonardo DiCaprio is a decent actor, under-rated by many people, I think. His "survival mode" where he learns to become one with nature was really cool and reminded me of "First Blood", only with a better-looking actor.

The infamous video game sequence was not exactly what I expected, and was actually far more cheesy than I assumed. But funny, really funny. Whoever had the idea to put this in the film really had a stroke of genius that day.

The makeup and special effects department deserved an Oscar for their work. I have seen plenty of horror films and love "Jaws"... but the shark attack wounds in this film were so believable I could hardly breathe. Amazing work.

All the scenes with Daffy were great. Somewhat gritty and very morbid, I was sucked into this film after the first gruesome scene with him. Excellent visuals. And when we return to this scene a few more times later, it is absolutely excellent. Unlike "Catch-22", these returns to the same scene really drive the point home of Leo's state of mind.

The beach scenes were also excellent as far as getting across the point of this being a place that was pure, clean and untouched by man. White sands, clear water... don't know if this was special effects or just a great location, but well played.

My only two complaints are concerning the sex scene and the over-acting. I was rather confused by the scene between Richard and Sal... if he has a girlfriend, why is he sleeping with the nastiest woman on the island? I just don't get it. That was a poor idea and I found it hard to believe Richard was that stupid... but maybe he was.

Also, the over-acting was atrocious. When they first encounter the beach, everyone gets super-pumped. Um, okay... it's a beach. Yeah, it's a really nice beach, but they've been living on islands covered in beaches. It's not a miracle. And when Richard tells of his shark adventure. everyone thinks it's the greatest thing since rye bread and he even tells it in an epic manner. Yeah, alright, it was pretty exciting, but not that exciting. These people need to lay off the crack pipe.

But I liked the movie, and if you like Leo you should like this movie. It's a metaphor for teenagers, I think... how they believe they're independent, but really they're not and in reality they're helpless and stupid.

Paradise - the search of it. Where are we at home? Could we live anywhere? Could we do without all the technical gadgets? I'm not saying living alone (though for some that may be the way to do and live it), but living without certain things that make life "easier" ... or at least that is how we perceive it.

Nature can be quite the enticing thing. And it is in this movie too. The Beach that lends the movie the title is quite the sight. And for a vacation spot ... I mean you could do far worse. Now there had been rumors that the filming was done on a beach or in a place that was supposed to not be touched by western civilization ... I remember Leonardo DiCaprio getting quite a lot of heat because some activists were not happy with him.

I can't confirm if they actually loitered or ruined nature in one way or another. If that really interests you, you surely will know a way to find out. I just thought I give an insentive to those who are interested in behind the scenes thing - real or not. Then there is also those who may take offense in the portrayal of certain animals (feeding into our fears and portraying them way more evil than they actually are - talking sharks here).

The movie itself is quite the decent thriller. Because the Paradise is not all fun and games. It is also filled with cliches and quite the predictable plot. Still the movie knows to hold up its tension and has quite a few gruesome moments too (graphic violence that is). Not a bad movie then, but not a masterpiece either in my book (while I came to finally admire Leo, his character here is not as relatable - choices and such. There's a general detachment from it all)

A romantic comedy set in the Southern California beach scene. Down on his luck, Scotty McKay becomes the master of a very lonely genie, who brings him wealth, power and true love. Miracles can happen!

Scotty McKay (Dean Cameron) is a beach slacker and everything is going wrong. His girl cheats on him and he loses his lousy job. His dream girl Dana (Felicity Waterman) is way out of his league and wants nothing to do with him. Jeanie Peterson (Ami Dolenz) is sent down to Earth. She's an actual Genie and Scotty finds her lamp after passing out on a bench.

I mostly remember Dean Cameron from Ski School and Summer School. This character is not quite as appealing in his other ones. There is a lot of rando T&A. It's all rather bland until I Can't Believe. That song is so horrible that it's almost satirical. This is a bad B-movie and it doesn't have the fun exuberance of those other two movies.

The Korean movie Bamui Haebyeoneseo Honja was shown in the U.S. with the translated title On the Beach at Night Alone (2017). It was written and directed by Sang-soo Hong.

Min-hee Kim stars as Young-hee, who was apparently a successful actor, but who now describes herself as box office poison. The reason for this is that she had an affair with a movie director, who is married.

The movie is divided into two parts. In the first part, Young-hee is visiting an older woman, who is her friend. Young-hee is waiting for her lover, who may or may not arrive. The last few frames of this part didn't make sense to me, so I don't know if he arrived or not.

In part two, Young-hee has arrived back in Korea after two years abroad. (Another reviewer says she was in Hamburg, Germany. I didn't see that in the subtitles--maybe the reviewer speaks Korean.)

What follows is an interminable hour of Young-Hee either walking on the beach (sometimes alone), sometimes with other people), but never at night.

Interspersed with her walks are conversations with friends during which Young-hee looks vacuous. Mostly they talk about each other. "You are beautiful." "Yes, but the script girl is beautiful too." The highlight of these conversations comes when a character asks Young-hee, "Are you still searching for love?" Her answer: "Where's love? It's not even visible. You need to see it in order to search for it."

Also, by the way, Young-hee is a mean drunk. Apparently that's OK, because she's a beautiful movie star.

Director Sang-soo Hong is an international darling of the film world, so his movies get shown at important festivals, and they get awards. This film was nominated for awards at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival. Min-Hee Kim won the Golden Bear award for her acting.

It's not a coincidence that she herself did, indeed, have an affair with Sang-soo Hong. So, art reflects live, or maybe vice-versa.

Fortunately, IMDb raters weren't impressed by the reputation of the director and star. The film has an anemic IMDb rating of 6.8. I didn't think it was even that good. I rated it a 5.

P.S. Normally, IMDb male raters outnumber female raters by two to one, or three to one. In this case it was five to one. My guess is that men went to see it because the title made them think it would be a sex film, a horror film, or both. For the record, it's neither. be457b7860

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