Yadkin County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association
Established 1973
Welcome to the Yadkin County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association (YCVFRA) website. The association provides several pieces of equipment and benefits to our active departments in the association. I encourage all visitors and members to take a look through our website to learn about this joint venture involving our fire departments and rescue squad. The officers and representatives of this association are challenged, just as those in 1973 that started this fine organization were to represent the members of these departments. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as president to this group of members. If you have any questions or remarks on what you would like to see pertaining to this website or the association, please do not hesitate to send an email.
Bryan Southard,
Association President
Our Equipment:
Air 1: Mobile Air Resource Unit stored at Yadkin Rescue
Fit Test Machine: Capable of testing all Yadkin SCBA Mask
Fallen Firefighter Mobile Unit: The Fallen Firefighter Mobile Unit is stocked with items that are needed to carry out a full-honors fire service funeral.