I am a PhD candidate in the Accounting and Management unit at Harvard Business School. I expect to graduate in 2024. My research broadly examines design choices of management control systems, with a special focus on organizational culture as an informal control mechanism and how it interacts with other formal control systems. I strive to investigate control problems that are ubiquitous across organizations and highly relevant to practitioners. My work has been featured in major media outlets including The Economist and The Wall Street Journal. I employ multiple research methods including machine learning techniques, statistical analyses of archival data, field experiments, and surveys.

My research agenda comprises three strands: (1) understanding problems: I study challenges and control problems that organizations face in shaping and disseminating the desired organizational culture; (2) investigating causes: I examine the economic and behavioral factors leading to frictions and inefficiencies in this process; and (3) identifying solutions: I explore how organizations can design control systems to shape, reinforce and maintain the desired organizational culture, thereby achieving favorable organizational outcomes. 

Please download my CV here. My dissertation and other working papers can be found on my research page