Rare interview with his imperial majesty

Rare Interview with His Imperial Majesty, The Emperor

Utsunomiya・Empire of Yata                    (January 25, 2024 Honmyo I)

The Empire of Yata was originally known as the Kingdom of Berne-Rousseane and Harlebourg, and I wanted it to be based on European Kingdoms from the medieval era, with a dash of modernization. I have always been fascinated by the idea of conserving the past for the future generation. I was the only one running the Nation, and most of it's present and future looked barren. At the same time, I met Lady Murasaki [the current Grand Chancellor of the Realm] who initiated, "How about we base our Nation on Japan?!" At first I was reluctant, but then came the thoughts about how there were a ton of nations based on European Monarchies, and not one of Japan. This would really make us stand out. To add to it, I always was fascinated by Japanese culture. Our decision was finalized. Lady Murasaki was crowned as the first Monarch of the new established 'Empire of Yamatai'. The name Yamatai springs from that of an ancient state which was located in Japan. Soon the first Constitution was implemented and some growth took place before ceasing again.

I was crowned the Emperor as our original agreement had been. I changed the name of the State to the 'Empire of Yata', while Lady Murasaki became the Grand Chancellor of the Realm. Till date with the support of those around me, I have been able to develop Yata to the point that now I can brag about it being one of the most well develop micronations out there.

Yata consists of three countries, equivalent to a State in the United States of America; and once Crown Territory. Three three countries are Kasugayama, Shirakuse and Utsunomiya, which also serves as the capital of the Empire. The one and only Crown Territory is Kitahara Country, located on the Kuril Islands.

Yata has a world class Constitution that has strictly defined the structure of governance of these territories. Each province has a offshoot of the Imperial Family governing it. For example, Prince Sanehiko [first cousin of His Imperial Majesty] is the Kuni-no-Miyatsuko (governor) of Kasugayama Country. The Crown Territory is governed by the Crow itself, so there is no governor assigned to Kitahara Country. However we plan to change this in the future.

According to the Yatanese Constitution, no micronation is recognized until a Treaty between that State and Yata has been established. This may sound a bit isolationist for beginners, but has been put in place to keep a check on territorial claims of other Nations and avoid conflict. We deeply analyse such claims before signing a Treaty which such a nation. Yata does not believe in conflicts and wars, and thus believes to put such a strict policy in place. On the other hand, we recognize nearly all micronational States that are part of the United Nations.

Yata is currently part of the Micronational Postal Association (MPA), and is actively promoting postal services in its nation. We plan to spread to other Nations in the future. 

Yata - Lasetian relations have been good since their founding last year, and both nations have partnered together during their initial days of development.

Some brazen micronations and micronationalists suffering with Narcissist Personality Disorder (NPD) like to call Yata as a ditto copy of Japan. However, these are the same people that know nothing about us.

Yata practices and promotes Japanese traditions, whilst molding them as we need. The State religion is Shinto, and it is done so because, personally for me, it's the only religion that works on conserving nature, good values and promotes welfare of people. Of course, now the same NPD guys would refute this statement by saying, "Didn't Japan murder millions of people in WW2 due to Shinto?". I would advice these boors to read the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki (the holy books of Shinto) in Japanese. Oh wait, but they can't, since they cannot read Japanese! The English versions would work just fine, except just expect some corruption by the translator. A religion becomes bad if the practitioners minds are corrupted. No religion preaches hate.

Yata's unique feature is that despite being a Non-Secular country, we do not like to force Shinto on others. I like to respect all religions. yata celebrates all major Shinto festivals that are officially designated on dates and are being practiced since thousands of years. I also have a special place for Buddhism in my heart, which has indirectly molded Yata's Foreign Policy.

Culturally, Yata is not quite developed at the moment. Time and Society really helps shape Culture. Yata has withstood the flow of time, but low population has really taken a tall on cultural development.

As the Emperor, I am the founder of the State, Custodian of all resources of the State, Holder of the Imperial Throne. My duties include pretty much what other Monarchs in Constitutional Monarchies have. I give assent to laws, I appoint the Grand Chancellor of the Realm by taking into account Election Results, I can dismiss and appoint emissaries and ministers (On the request of the Grand Chancellor). Most importantly, I grant Honors and peerage and can also revoke them. Other duties include Convocation and Dissolution of the House of Councillors. I am the head of the Imperial Family and also the Grand Priest of State Shinto, and hence perform private rituals and ceremonies.

The structure of the Government is quite simple. The Emperor is the head of the State. The next person in power is the Grand Chancellor of the Realm. Next comes the Naidaijin and then the Minister for Defense. We plan to change the structure and add new positions as Yata grows.

Other significant figures include the Grand Chancellor, and Minister for Foreign Affairs, which preside of the Office of the Grand Chancellor of the Realm and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs respectively.

Yata at the moment does not have an economy and due to this we do not have financial budgets set up. However, Yata mints it's very own currency and in the future we plan to monetize some commodities like Bills and Stamps. This would in turn help us develop ourselves.

It's simple, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs runs the Office of Immigration. One only needs to apply for citizenship by filling a form. This would grant them a Native or Overseas citizenship which depends on their domicile. Becoming a Yatanese citizen showers the individual with rights and privileges. They can run for public offices, are eligible for peerage and honors. Basically, they can help Yata develop.

Yata plans to be selective in granting it's citizenship in the near future and thus devise an examination to receive the same. However, looking at the current population crisis, I doubt it's bound to happen.

Yatanese citizens, as such do not have any crucial responsibilities if they are not holding a public office. However, I request my citizens to stay true to Yata and strive to work for the betterment of the Micronational Community and nature.

Yata has trodden through a rocky path throughout it's short history. I have always felt the missing presence of a close ally. Moreover, it is always my paramount duty to prevent the dissolution of Yata, while at the same time saving it from getting 'asphyxiated' by larger micronations. There are some micronations that control the MicroWiki sphere and thus openly censor information. Yata in it's thrive to freedom has thus instead chosen to operate it's own website. It look better when a thousand micronations have a thousand different websites, each with a different layout, theme, art and much more. These are things that make micronations beautiful. Moreover, having a website is always safer and every sovereign nation should have it, as to control what information they release.

Another obstacle Yata has faced since it's foundation was that of Population. However, despite this very big of a handicap, public servants have endlessly worked day and night to complete pending projects, prepare laws, and prepare other art systems crucial for the functioning of the government. Yata's overnight growth is no less than a miracle.

A problem that still lingers is 'asphyxiation' of smaller Micronations by larger ones. I use the word, because it is true in both literal and metaphorical sense. Larger micronations grant you fancy sounding titles, fancy looking Coat of Arms and Honors to lure you in, while the nation that you once founded lies dead, just because you now serve a larger micronation. This is a very big threat to variety in the community. Some micronations like to publicize themselves by granting honors, while some like to annex other nations, and toss the leader in the bin if the oppose.

Yata likes to stay neutral in International Affairs and Global Issues. However we openly like to express our views against some issues like the China-Taiwan issue, Illegal Territorial Claims by Russia (on the Kuril Islands) and China in various parts of Asia. Our Ministry for Foreign Affairs is very well equipped with the right infrastructure, approach and brilliant individuals who make our stance on issues clear to the rest of the world.

Yata discourages conflicts and wars between nation and believes that in it's pursuit for a harmonious community, should mediate between parties if need arises. Sometimes, if it does not threaten us or our allies, we don't even want to indulge ourselves in it. Similarly, we do not invite unnecessary remarks like what some State did some days back.

Yata's future aspirations and goals highly depend upon what the future will ask for. For now, we want to develop ourselves, help others, foster goodwill in the community. We have some thoughts under consideration, and plan to develop new structures of governance and implement them. New procedures, new laws and new features are on our list. However, this may take longer than expected since this requires massive participation to be completed in a short amount of time.

I hope I have made myself clear on some issues and explained untrodden paths in Yata's existence for the others.

We sincerely thank Him Imperial Majesty, The Emperor for providing his valuable time. We also thank the Imperial Household for granting us this rare opportunity to interview His Imperial Majesty.

May His Imperial Majesty's Reign last long and the State achieve feat of valor during this time! Glory to the Emperor, Glory to the Empire!