Interview with the GC

Interview with The Grand Chancellor of the Realm, H. E. Lady Murasaki

Utsunomiya・Empire of Yata                    (January 25, 2024 Honmyo I)

Her Excellency, Lady Murasaki, OEJ has had a three-year long association with Yata. However, this is the first time that we have been granted a special permit to interview her.

As the Grand Chancellor of the Realm, I am the Head of the Government and it'c chief legislative body, The House of Councillors, as it's President; of the Cabinet, as the Grand Chancellor of the Realm. All Ministries of the State and the Ministers that govern it, report directly to me. I have the same duties as the President of the States would have.

This is a good question. Citizens possess the Right to Information, which can be used by them in any Public Department or Office to seek out information. Citizens are promoted to seek the truth. I believe the government is highly accountable as to what policies is it implementing, how is it using funds received in form of taxes.

Citizens can take part in the decision making process by running for a Public Office. Those who do not want to, can participate by voting their favorite candidates during elections.

I will skip the first half of this question, since this would been a pain to explain and already covered in His Imperial Majesty's Interview. More information can be found on our website.

Decisions are first rationalized, "Is this thing important needed right now?" If yes, it proceeds to manifest as a draft. If no, it is either moved for later consideration or either rejected altogether. The Draft is then presented in the House of Councillors, where members vote for or against the Draft. If majority votes are achieved, then the law passes is presented to The Monarch for consideration. If not, it is pushed for later or the idea is dropped. The Monarch grants the final green-flag to the Draft. If an agreement is made, it becomes a law, or else makes rounds between The Imperial Household and House of Councillors.

All Diplomatic Affairs of the State are handled by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Minister. However, I am a part of the body that screens incoming applications from Micronations to establish a Diplomatic Ties. We also have a policy of not accommodating requests from Micronations that are not 6-months or more in age, and have a Constitution implemented in place.

On a global scale, Yata believes in fostering goodwill and peace between Nations and as a whole, in the community.

Identification cards, Voting IDs, a Citizen only lounge hosted on our website are some things that I have planned out. Being frank, I am not very good when it comes to initiating policies.

eaching out to others is an important part of gaining recognition. This can be best done by possessing a website for your Micronation. Other tactics is by gaining recognition from other like minded Micronations. This not only boosts popularity, but also increases intimacy between Nations in the community.

Yata likes to keeps it's requests simple and formal, we like to search of nations that are just like us, that may have common interests or common features, or may be an ally of an ally.

Honestly, this question is not well suited for me. Yes, I do sometimes make edits on the website, but I am not very tech savvy. But, as a layman's eye can see, and is not hidden from his view, is the Official Website. We like to be original, and believe in beauty. A person who knows about the Honors system would very well agree with this statement.

Yata is developing a Micronational Development Index currently and plans to publish it later this week. I believe it would be a hit, and if true, will be a notable achievement for us.

Yet another good question. Yata, as part of it's Shinto practice, very much values Nature. After all, Nature is the giver and the taker. If you take care of Nature, it gives you plenty. If you act antagonist to it, it will take back things in the most unimaginable things. For the same reason, yata follows a Zero-Paper policy, under which important documents that would be otherwise first/solely written on paper, are digitalised. This improves our efficiency and also helps us achieve our goals. Important information like that of the Immigration Bureau where digitalized in 2023.

Although not listed on the website, Yata observes a strict holiday on Sunday and Saturday. Working hours of all Government Offices are from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM IST. This is done to reduce electricity consumption. The Emperor maintains a garden with collection of Chrysanthemums and other flowers, while Prince Sanehiko planted a mango sapling commemorating the second anniversary of Yata's founding.

As the Grand Chancellor of the Realm, I really hope that other nations will follow Yata's initiatives to a better future for our children.

 I don't know how this question even made it on this list and was not asked in the beginning. Deviating from the topic, I would be glad to introduce myself.

Murasaki and Tatsumi are not my real names. I am from Japan, with 100% pure Japanese tomato-sauce gushing through my capillaries. I am in my 30s, a proud wife of a loving husband, and a happy mother of three children (two daughters and a son). I keep my identity shrouded in mist because I believe that my hobbies should not poke my professional life, and that a things that go on the Internet, never come down. I work as a Educationist and as an Associate Professor. My field of interest is Genetics and Biotechnology. Now you know why I suck at making laws. I can speak Japanese, Cantonese, English and some Korean, that I picked from my husband. I think this is enough to let everyone know about me.

As the above answer already states, I may not be good at lawmaking, but I excel at analyzing things. As the Grand Chancellor, I want to pass laws smoothly, support His Imperial Majesty in his duties and as a whole support Yata in the future.

I am running out of time, I have notes for a meeting to prepare. Thank you for interviewing me.

We sincerely thank Her Excellency, lady Murasaki to provide her much-valued time to this interview. We also thank the Office of the Grand Chancelllor of the Realm from providing us his rare opportunity to interview the law-makers of the State and members who play a pivotal role in doing so.