I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh.  My Ph.D. is from the University of California Berkeley's Haas School of BusinessMy research lies at the intersection of development economics, behavioral economics, and political economy. 

Email: yasir.khan@pitt.edu

Published and Accepted Articles:

(1)  Data and Policy Decisions: Experimental Evidence from Pakistan , with Michael Callen, Saad Gulzar, Ali Hasanain, and Arman Rezaee, Journal of Development Economics (2020)

(2) Using Preference Estimates to Customize Incentives: An Application to Polio Vaccination Drives in Pakistanwith James Andreoni, Michael Callen, Karrar Hussain, and Charlie Sprenger, Journal of the European Economic Association (2023) 

(3) No bulls: Experimental Evidence on the Impact of Veterinarian Ratings in Pakistanwith Ali Hasanain and Arman Rezaee,  Journal of Development Economics (2023)

(4) The Political Economy of Public Employee Absence: Experimental Evidence from Pakistanwith Michael Callen, Saad Gulzar, Ali Hasanain, and Arman Rezaee, Journal of Public Economics (2023)

(5) “Good Politicians”: Experimental Evidence on Motivations for Political Candidacy and Government Performance, with Saad Gulzar  , The Review of Economic Studies (2024)

(6) Personalities and Public Sector Performance: Experimental Evidence from Pakistanwith Michael Callen, Saad Gulzar, Ali Hasanain, and Arman Rezaee, NBER Working Paper No. 21180, (accepted at the Economic Development and Cultural Change)

Working Papers:

(1) Mission Motivation and Public Sector Performance: Experimental Evidence from Pakistan,  (Revise and Resubmit at the American Economic Review)

(2) "Equilibrium Effects of Financial Affirmative Action: Evidence from India", with S. K. Ritadhi

Work in Progress:

(1) Time Preferences and Dishonesty in the Public Sector, with Priyoma Mustafi [baseline]

(2) Limits of Information Campaigns in Correcting Social Norms: The Case of Women's Voting Rights, with Saad Gulzar [data cleaning]

(3)  Psychotherapy and Performance of Workers [pilot in progress]

(4) "Hot Shots": Effect of Climate on Vaccinator Performance , with Karrar Hussain, Jiawei Lyu, and Gabe Tourek [prelim analysis in progress]

(5) Interactive Mobile Support for Community Health Workers Promoting Breastfeeding,  with Erica Field, Nicola Singletary, Laura Stilwell, & Kate Vyborny [pilot]

Monographs and Permanent Working Papers

(1) Learning in Public Schools, with Tahir Andrabi, Sohaib Khan and Farooq Naseer

(2) Norms, Beliefs, and Networks: Descriptive Findings on Women's Political Participation in Pakistan, with Saad Gulzar and Luke Sonnet