Yaryna Nadiya

Resercher of Department of Scientific and organizational work and medical information with Library, MD

Highest qualification category in the Organization and Management of Health Care. 

Надія Андріївна Ярина – науковий співробітник of L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Scientific experience - 31 years.  Clinical experience - 36 years.


In 1983, she graduated with honors from the Kharkiv Medical Institute.  

Since 2001, she has the highest qualification category in the Organization and Management of Health Care. She was a co-performer of 9 scientific-research works. 


Since 1983, she began working at the Institute of Therapy as a physician in the Organizational and Methodological Department, then as a Junior researcher in the Department of Coordination of Therapeutic Service of Ukraine. From 1986 to the present, she has been working as a scientific researcher in the Department of Scientific-organizational Work and Medical Information with the Library. 


For more than 20 years she has been curator of 36 cycles “Actual problems of therapy”, in which more than 1500 doctors from all regions of Ukraine have improved their skills.

Nadiya Yaryna organized the introduction of more than 300 scientific developments of the Institute (patents, guidelines, information letters, copyright certificates) in medical institutions of Ukraine. She deals with the organization and conduct of the Days of the therapist and cardiologist.

Annually, she provides the necessary documentation in the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, takes part in the preparation of annual reports of the Institute, and also quarterly prepares reports on the implementation of budget programs and on the results of scientific research funded from the state budget.


For 30 years, she has been working on planning, organizing and conducting Ukrainian Registery Field Scientific Conferences (64 in total), in which more than 23000 practitioners from all regions of Ukraine took part. Since 2003, conferences have been held as part of the “ L.T. Malaya School of Therapists" in memory of the founder of the Institute of Therapy.


For many years of conscientious work, dedication, professionalism, and personal contribution to the development of medical science, she was repeatedly awarded certificates of honor from the administration of theTherapy Institute.


She is the author/co-author of 130 scientific publications. 

Yaryna Nadiya

Resercher of Department of Scientific and organizational work and medical information with Library, MD

L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,   

Address: 61039, 2a Lyubovi Maloy Ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine

e-mail: njarina@ukr.net