For a lengthy period following World War II, urban warfare and CQC had barely changed in infantry tactics. Modern firearm CQB tactics were developed in the 1970s as "close-quarters battle" by Western counterterrorist special forces units following the 1972 Munich massacre.[4] The units trained in the aftermath of the massacre, such as the Special Air Service, Delta Force, GSG 9, GIGN, and Joint Task Force 2, developed CQB tactics involving firearms to quickly and precisely assault structures while minimizing friendly and hostage casualties; these CQB tactics were shared between these special forces units, who were closely-knit and frequently trained together.[4] The Special Air Service used CQB tactics during the 1980 Iranian Embassy siege. CQB tactics soon reached police tactical units and similar paramilitaries, such as American SWAT teams, by the 1980s and 1990s.[4]

However, CQB was still not taught to regular infantry, as it was considered a hostage rescue tactic.[4] As late as the 1990s, infantry manuals on urban combat described close-quarters room clearing essentially the same basic way it was described 60 years prior: a grenade being thrown into an enclosed area, followed by an infantry assault with automatic fire.[4] The special forces "monopoly" on CQB was broken following the experiences of urban warfare and close-quarters battles in the 1990s, during the Battle of Mogadishu, the Bosnian War, and the First Chechen War.

Single-Person Close Quarters Battle: Urban Tactics For Civilians, Law Enforcement And Military (Spec


Military uses of close-quarters battle vary by unit type, branch, and mission. Military operations other than war (MOOTW) may involve peacekeeping or riot control. Specialized forces may adapt CQC tactics to their own needs, such as marine naval boarding teams being trained specifically to search ships and fight CQC within them. Hostage rescue or extraction units may involve even more esoteric adaptations or variations, depending on environments, weapons technology, political considerations, or personnel.[9]

Military uses of close quarters battle vary by unit type, branch and mission. Military operations other than war (MOOTW) may involve peacekeeping or riot control. Specialized forces such as the U.S. Marine Corps' RTT, FAST, SRT and U.S. Marine Corps special operations such as Marine Force Recon and Marine Raider Regiment, U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Boarding and Security Teams (VBST), Port Security Units (PSU), Maritime Safety and Security Teams (MSST), Tactical Law Enforcement Teams (TACLET), or U.S. Navy VBSS (Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure) teams may adapt CQC tactics to their specific needs, e.g. for the boarding of compliant and non-compliant vessels at sea. Hostage rescue or extraction by commando troops such as the British Special Boat Service, U.S. Navy SEALs, Norwegian Marinejegerkommandoen, and Canadian Counter Terrorism unit Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2) may involve even more esoteric adaptations or variations, depending on specialized environments, weapons technology, political considerations or a mixture of friendly, unfriendly or civilian personnel.[7]

III. Strengthen Alliances to DefeatGlobal Terrorism and Work to PreventAttacks Against Us and Our Friends“Just three days removed from these events, Americans do not yet havethe distance of history. But our responsibility to history is already clear:to answer these attacks and rid the world of evil.War has beenwaged against us by stealth and deceit and murder. This nation is peaceful,but fierce when stirred to anger. The conflict was begun on the timing and termsof others. It will end in a way, and at an hour, of our choosing.”President Bush

Washington, D.C. (The National Cathedral)

September 14, 2001The United States of America is fightinga war against terrorists of global reach. Theenemy is not a single political regime or personor religion or ideology. The enemy is terrorism—premeditated, politically motivated violenceperpetrated against innocents.In many regions, legitimate grievances preventthe emergence of a lasting peace. Such grievancesdeserve to be, and must be, addressed within apolitical process. But no cause justifies terror. TheUnited States will make no concessions to terroristdemands and strike no deals with them.We makeno distinction between terrorists and those whoknowingly harbor or provide aid to them.The struggle against global terrorism is differentfrom any other war in our history. It will be foughton many fronts against a particularly elusiveenemy over an extended period of time. Progresswill come through the persistent accumulation ofsuccesses—some seen, some unseen.Today our enemies have seen the results ofwhat civilized nations can, and will, do againstregimes that harbor, support, and use terrorism toachieve their political goals. Afghanistan has beenliberated; coalition forces continue to hunt downthe Taliban and al-Qaida. But it is not only thisbattlefield on which we will engage terrorists.Thousands of trained terrorists remain at largewith cells in North America, South America,Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and across Asia.Our priority will be first to disrupt and destroyterrorist organizations of global reach and attacktheir leadership; command, control, and communications;material support; and finances. This willhave a disabling effect upon the terrorists’ abilityto plan and operate.We will continue to encourage our regionalpartners to take up a coordinated effort thatisolates the terrorists. Once the regional campaignlocalizes the threat to a particular state, we willhelp ensure the state has the military, law enforcement,political, and financial tools necessary tofinish the task.The United States will continue to work withour allies to disrupt the financing of terrorism.Wewill identify and block the sources of funding forterrorism, freeze the assets of terrorists and thosewho support them, deny terrorists access to theinternational financial system, protect legitimatecharities from being abused by terrorists, andprevent the movement of terrorists’ assets throughalternative financial networks.However, this campaign need not be sequentialto be effective, the cumulative effect across allregions will help achieve the results we seek.We will disrupt and destroy terroristorganizations by:direct and continuous action using all theelements of national and internationalpower. Our immediate focus will be thoseterrorist organizations of global reach andany terrorist or state sponsor of terrorismwhich attempts to gain or use weapons ofmass destruction (WMD) or their precursors;defending the United States, the Americanpeople, and our interests at home andabroad by identifying and destroying thethreat before it reaches our borders.Whilethe United States will constantly strive toenlist the support of the internationalcommunity, we will not hesitate to act alone,if necessary, to exercise our right of selfdefenseby acting preemptively against suchterrorists, to prevent them from doing harmagainst our people and our country; anddenying further sponsorship, support,and sanctuary to terrorists by convincingor compelling states to accept theirsovereign responsibilities.We will also wage a war of ideas to win the battleagainst international terrorism. This includes:using the full influence of the United States,and working closely with allies and friends,to make clear that all acts of terrorism areillegitimate so that terrorism will be viewedin the same light as slavery, piracy, orgenocide: behavior that no respectablegovernment can condone or support andall must oppose;supporting moderate and moderngovernment, especially in the Muslimworld, to ensure that the conditions andideologies that promote terrorism do notfind fertile ground in any nation;diminishing the underlying conditionsthat spawn terrorism by enlisting theinternational community to focus its effortsand resources on areas most at risk; andusing effective public diplomacy to promotethe free flow of information and ideas tokindle the hopes and aspirations of freedomof those in societies ruled by the sponsors ofglobal terrorism.While we recognize that our best defense is agood offense, we are also strengthening America’shomeland security to protect against and deter attack.This Administration has proposed the largestgovernment reorganization since the TrumanAdministration created the National SecurityCouncil and the Department of Defense. Centeredon a new Department of Homeland Security andincluding a new unified military command and afundamental reordering of the FBI, our comprehensiveplan to secure the homeland encompassesevery level of government and the cooperationof the public and the private sector.This strategy will turn adversity intoopportunity. For example, emergency managementsystems will be better able to cope not just withterrorism but with all hazards. Our medicalsystem will be strengthened to manage not justbioterror, but all infectious diseases andmass-casualty dangers. Our border controls willnot just stop terrorists, but improve the efficientmovement of legitimate traffic.While our focus is protecting America, weknow that to defeat terrorism in today’s globalizedworld we need support from our allies andfriends.Wherever possible, the United States willrely on regional organizations and state powers tomeet their obligations to fight terrorism. Wheregovernments find the fight against terrorismbeyond their capacities, we will match theirwillpower and their resources with whatever helpwe and our allies can provide.As we pursue the terrorists in Afghanistan,we will continue to work with internationalorganizations such as the United Nations, as wellas non-governmental organizations, and othercountries to provide the humanitarian, political,economic, and security assistance necessary torebuild Afghanistan so that it will never againabuse its people, threaten its neighbors, andprovide a haven for terrorists.In the war against global terrorism, we willnever forget that we are ultimately fighting for ourdemocratic values and way of life. Freedom andfear are at war, and there will be no quick or easyend to this conflict. In leading the campaignagainst terrorism, we are forging new, productiveinternational relationships and redefining existingones in ways that meet the challenges of thetwenty-first century. be457b7860

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