I am currently an assistant professor in Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

Before Sepetember 2021, I was a research fellow in the Department of Mathematics at National University of Singapore, working with Professor Kim-Chuan Toh

I obtained my Ph.D degree in the Department of Mathematics from National University of Singapore in May 2019, under the supervisions of Professor Kim-Chuan Toh and Professor Defeng Sun

Before that, I graduated from Tsinghua University in 2014 with a B.S. in mathematics, where I was advised by Professor Wenxun Xing.

My current research is focused on large scale sparse optimization problems,  the design of efficient algorithms for statistical models and graphical models.

[CV]    Updated on 01 Feb 2024

Email: yangjing.zhang [at] amss [dot] ac [dot] cn

                zhangyangjing [at] u [dot] nus [dot] edu

GitHub: https://github.com/YangjingZhang

Publications and preprints