1 year ago I've read about soon fix of this problem in the thread ( -extension-stopped-working-in-the-yandex-browser-v-17), but it's still don't work - extension blinking and it's seems that it can't connect to 1password application...

I have bad news I'm afraid. Yandex, along with a couple of other esoteric browsers, were removed from the hardcoded whitelist stored in 1Password. As such 1Password will no longer allow Yandex to connect to it. There is no way to disable the check or workaround it. The only option is the use of a supported browser. The current list contains:

Yandex Browser Indir

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The browser is the second most popular desktop web browser (the third as a mobile browser) in Russia at 21.5%,[9] while it is less popular in most other countries, e.g. in Ukraine fourth at 4.45%[10] and globally has less share than Internet Explorer (which is ninth at 0.64%).

Yandex Browser was the first browser to implement DNSCrypt technology, which encrypts Domain Name System (DNS) traffic.[16] For example, it protects from a trojan DNSChanger, a tracking Internet provider, or hackers. This option must be enabled in the browser settings.[15]

When connecting to open Wi-Fi networks or access points that use a weak WEP-defense, Yandex Browser encrypts data to and from a Yandex server. The Yandex server acts as a channel between the browser and the HTTP sites.[16]

Yandex is facing web search competition in Russia from Google Search.[21] Google Chrome, Russia's most popular web browser, uses Google Search as its default search engine. In June 2012, Mozilla Firefox, the world's third most popular web browser, signed a deal to replace its default search engine Yandex Search with Google Search.[21] As Yandex Browser's "Smartbox" uses Yandex Search as its default search engine, the browser will help Yandex compete for Russian search market share.[22]

I was using 1password 6 for more than a year and had absolutely no troubles with it until I purchased version 7.

For some reason, extension in Yandex browser has stopped working. The extension is installed, and the extension button is visible, but 1password window which is showed after I press Cmd+Option+\ shortcut is not synced with an opened website and even if I search login manually and press "open and fill" button it only opens a new tab in the browser with a website, but don't fill login and password there.

Unfortunately Yandex is no longer a supported browser. The shift to native messaging in 1Password 6.8 for Mac started a discussion about code signature verification, the ability to opt in or out and what browsers should be supported. After a lively debate the decision taken was that the native client will always enforce the code signature verification check and any browser not on the internal whitelist will be refused. Currently the list of supported browsers is:

It is extremely unlikely that this list will see changes any time soon. We are not saying a browser not on this list is untrustworthy, all we're saying is it is an unknown and as 1Password is a security product we treat all unknowns as potentially hostile. I fully appreciate this is not what you will have wanted to hear as I do appreciate browser preference often elicits a passionate response.

@s303: Feel free to email [email protected] if you've purchased 1Password 7 in the last 30 days and we can process a refund for you. We don't have plans to support Yandex at this time. Our focus is on the major browsers, which we're able to vet thoroughly.

Hi @ErBlack. If you're not willing to use any of the supported browsers, and having the extension work in the Yandex browser is an imperative, you might want to consider a password manager that fits your needs. Having said that, I hope this isn't a dealbreaker, and that you'll stick with us for a long time. :)

Sad news. Especially when you consider that it works few days ago. And Yandex Browser is exactly the same chromium based browser like crome, opera, vivaldi and even next year Microsoft Edge. And only problem is "Refusing helper connection from because of untrusted publisher YANDEX LLC".

Dear in Russian many people use Yandex - pls give it support, because 40 millions people who use Yandex browser -can to use 1Password. I very sad to herd this informations, I've bought today 1password and give this problem(

I suppose you are referring to brenty's last post, correct? If that's the case, the answer is that it's because we decided to support the most used browsers. Other browsers have low usage rates and we cannot justify the time spent on supporting them at the moment. Perhaps things will change in the future, but currently, as brenty said, we don't have any plans to do it.

Now you force me to change my main browser, which i use since 2014. With tons of history bookmarks etc. Or you force me to change 1Password, for which I pay 60$ annually. And I don't see any alternatives for it on the market at all.


The workaround I see is to use 1Password X. Just a browser extension that works. I was using LastPass for a while and it has no good native app, therefore I had no other options.

So, not a bad workaround.

I certainly believe that YandexBrowser is popular in Russia. However we need to focus on browsers that are the most popular all over the world. And even in Russia, it looks like only 21% of users are using it, which mean that the majority is using other browsers, so I understand why our developers are currently focused on the existing list of supported browsers. And I think there is no doubt that other browsers such as Chrome are more popular overall (Wikipedia has a nice table about this).

The popularity of a browser is certainly important. However, we must also consider other factors, such as reliability. For example, Opera is quite popular because most of the users are Chinese, and we know that there are more than 1.4 billion people in China. However, we decided to stop officially supporting Opera for some questionable actions regarding users' security. Opera still work with 1Password because they haven't changed the code signature of their browser.

ok, I switched to the Russian Kaspersky Password Manager, they do not consider the Yandex browser to be dangerous, they did not find the poison "novichok" and Chinese hackers who elect American presidents)

It's all about just one browser. I use Yandex Browser because of some unique features. Audio translation of videos (more recently , also from Chinese), and translation of images into any language, with a single button in the context menu. Plus, some of our state websites (in Russia) work exclusively through Yandex Browser. I'm too lazy to bother every time with other browsers to install and update certificates from the state.

Couldn't help with the correct installation of this browser in Solus Linux?

(I don't understand packaging and installing my own packages at all, I would like to get tips and instructions on the steps)

It is also worth noting that there are minor problems with video playback, but this is a temporary bug that will be fixed in future updates. Please do not pay attention to him. At the moment, the problem is solved by simply replacing the file libffmpeg.so in the /opt/yandex/browser/ folder from the Chromium browser.

I know in Russia it's the official browser and comes stock in the russian distros Rosa and Alt....that said is Audio Translation exclusive to Yandex? I do not know what you mean by translate pictures into words.

You can search in other sources as well. I took it from here -ffmpeg-prebuilt/nwjs-ffmpeg-prebuilt/releases, version 0.78.1. Unpacked the archive, opened the terminal in this folder and copied the file to the desired folder in the browser.

The current version of yandex-browser-beta (21.5.3) worked until a few days ago. I think it is because of the kernel update. I have re-installed arch linux and it still doesn't work yandex-browser-beta, I have even removed the current linux kernel (5.12) and instead use the lts kernel and yandex doesn't work. When launching yandex-browser-beta from the terminal I get the following errors:

Indeed, I have investigated and it is true. However, I have a question:

Any user can rebuild the AUR package or is it the person in charge who should rebuild the AUR package? I did not find clear information on this.

If it is the person in charge who must rebuild the package, I will leave your email: mastersoft24@yandex.ruĀ 

If any user can rebuild the AUR package, does anyone know how to do it?

As jasonwryan already wrote you are responsible for rebuilding AUR packages you have on your system.

You rebuild a package the same way you initially built it. Arch_User_Repository#Build_the_package.

The AUR package maintainer can increment the pkgver when it needs rebuilding for a dependency but it is not required. You would still need to check if the package has been updated and rebuild it yourself.


Ā -browser-beta/ is a binary package meaning it contains prebuilt binaries. Rebuilding the package does not apply to binary packages as the building is not done by makepkg but by the supplier of the binaries.

A library problem with such a package needs an upstream update or you need to find which library caused the issue and create a special package for the old version of that library.


A webs earch for 'libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex () failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)' has lots of results such as =266595 all sugessting the issue is related to configuration for video acceleration. ff782bc1db

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