Welcome to my webpage!

My name is Yan Hu. My given name ‘Yan’ has the same pronunciation with the Chinese character that means ‘Rock’. Echoed with that, I am a keen geochemist interested in a range of low-temperature to high-temperature processes related to subduction zone recycling and Solar System formation. After I graduated with a B.E. in Gemology and Materials Science from China University of Geosciences (Beijing), I went to Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing), for a M.S. in geochemistry. I continued my study in geochemistry toward a Ph.D. degree working with Prof. Fang-Zhen Teng with a concentration in non-traditional stable isotopes. I successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation from the University of Washington  in 2018 and I was a postdoc research associate working with Prof. Frédéric Moynier at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris until May 2024. 

I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geoscience at UNLV. I am looking for motivated graduate students joining my lab. Please feel free to contact me at yan.hu.@unlv.edu if you have any questions.

As a female, international, and first-generation academic, I am committed to promoting equality, inclusion, and diversity in both indoor and field studies. I believe that scientists should be valued for their scientific contributions without bias based on gender, skin color, ethnicity, or other personal characteristics. Improvements in inclusion and diversity in the scientific community will lead to significant innovation, creativity, and productivity for our society as a whole. Geoscience is inherently an interdisciplinary and collaborative field. Appreciating the diversity of people and their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives will lead to a richer interactions as we study the exciting workings of our Earth and other planets!