Publications and Research Activities
I am an assistant professor in Master Program in Statistics, Center for General Education of National Taiwan University (MPS, CGE of NTU), Taipei City, Taiwan. My research interests include
Machine learning, Deep neural network (DNN)
Dimension reduction
Similarity measure
Biomedical images analysis, Internet of Things (IoT network)
---Journal Articles
Yan-Bin Chen, Khong-Loon Tiong, Chen-Hsiang Yeang (2024, Dec). Exploring the relationship between the geometry of a fixed embedding of image data and its underlying cluster structure. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (Taylor & Francis JCGS), (link)
Sridevi Padakanti, Khong Loon Tiong, Yan-Bin Chen, Chen-Hsiang Yeang (2021, Sep). Genotypes of informative loci from 1000 Genomes data allude evolution and mixing of human populations. Scientific Reports (Sci Rep), 11, 17741. (link)
Yan-Bin Chen, Ido Nevat, Pengfei Zhang, Sai Ganesh Nagarajan, Hung-Yu Wei (2018, Oct). Query-Based Sensors Selection for Collaborative Wireless Sensor Networks With Stochastic Energy Harvesting. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IEEE IoT-J), Volume: 6 , Issue: 2, pp 3031-3043. (link)
Yan-Bin Chen, Guan-Yu Lin, and Hung-Yu Wei (2016, Jul). A dynamic estimation of the unsaturated bu er in the IEEE 802.11 DCF network: A particle filter framework approach. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IEEE TVT), vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 5397-5409. (link)
---Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
Yan-Bin Chen, Khong-Loon Tiong, Chen-Hsiang Yeang (2022, Dec). Clustering image data with a fixed embedding. IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2022 (IEEE ICMLA), Nassau, Bahamas. (link)
Yan-Bin Chen, Guan-Yu Lin and Hung-Yu Wei (2014, Sep). Dynamic estimation of unsaturated buffer in context-aware M2M WiFi network. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (IEEE iThings), Taipei, Taiwan. (link)
Ming-Yuan Cheng, Yan-Bin Chen, Hung-Yu Wei, and Winston KG Seah (2013, Oct). Event-driven energy-harvesting wireless sensor network for structural health monitoring. 2013 IEEE 38th Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN), Sydney, Australia. (link)
Speeches and Academia Services
2024/12/16. 2024 IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (IMS ICSDS). December 16-19, 2024, Nice, France. Topic: Exploring Clustering Ambiguous Images Using Similarity Analysis. (Link)
2024/12/14. The Interim Conference of the Asian Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-ARS). December 14-15, 2024, Taipei, Taiwan. Topic: Interpreting Ambiguous Clustered Images Through Heterogeneous Analysis. (Link)
2024/11/20. Course of "Statistics and Life", National Taiwan University (臺灣大學 統計與生活 課程演講). Topic: Artificial Intelligence in Daily Life: Automated Classification and Clustering. (popular science 科普內容)
2024/6/27. South Taiwan Statistics Conference, National Sun Yat-sen University (中山大學 南區統計研討會). Topic: Exploring the Heterogeneity across the Structures of the Embedded Image Vector.
2024/6/7. Symposium in Center of General Education, National Taiwan University (臺灣大學 共教中心 跨領域交流會). Topic: The Hidden Statistical Methods behind the AI. (popular science 科普內容)
2023/11/23. Seminar in Department of Statistics of NTPU (臺北大學 統計系 專題演講). Topic: Practical Imputation Techniques for Handling Missing Data.
2023/11/17. Seminar in Data Science Degree Program of NTU (臺灣大學 資料科學學程 專題演講). Topic: Handling Missing Values in Data Science.
2023/7/25. Teaching Assistant in Statistical School 2023 in Institute of Statistical Science, Acadimia Sinica, Taipei City, Taiwan. (中央研究院 統計科學研究所 2023統計研習營).
2022/12/12. Poster presentation in 21th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Application (IEEE ICMLA), December 12-15, 2022, Nassau, Bahamas. Topic: Clustering image data with a fixed embedding. (Link)
2022/9/23. Workshop on Robust Statistical Inference for High Dimensional Data and Deep Models, September 23-24, 2022, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Topic: Feature Representation Learning in Neural Networks Guided by the Sliced Inverse. (Link)
2022/4/21. Seminar in NCU (中央大學 數學系 專題演講). Topic:Cluster image by self-supervised learning with a fixed embedding.
2022/1/7. Seminar in NTHU (清華大學 統計學研究所 專題演講). Topic: Unsupervised learning of data with a fixed embedding for clustering.
2021/12/10. Conference in FJU (輔仁大學 2021 年統計學術研討會暨台日韓國際統計學術研討會). Topic: Unsupervised learning of image data with a fixed embedding.
2019/10/17. Course in FJU (輔仁大學 統計資訊學系 專家講座). Topic: Statistical Approach for the Applications on Internet of Things (IoT).
2019/9/3. As the moderator in 2019 Statistical Science Camp in ISS AS (中央研究院 統計科學研究所 統計營).
Cloud Computing for High Dimensional Data, Link
(Graduate course, in English (EMI))Artificial Intelligence Programming with Python - For Beginners, Link
(Undergraduate course, in English (EMI))Navigation into Digital Literacy, Link
(Undergraduate course, in Chinese)
Honors, Award and Research Grant
2023-2025 Multiple Regression Layer in Deep Neural Network for Biomedical Images Analysis, NSTC Grant, Taipei City, Taiwan.
2023 NSTC postdoc independent research grant (國科會: 延攬研究學者暨執行專題研究計畫), NSTC, Grant, Taipei City, Taiwan.
2016 Best Dissertation Award from Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei City, Taiwan.
2014 International Awardee of A*STAR Research Attachment Programme (ARAP) from A*STAR Research Institute, Singapore.