Sanacion Espiritual Robert Detzler Pdf 11

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Sanacion Espiritual Robert Detzler Pdf 11: A Review of the Book "Renacer del Alma" by Robert Detzler

Sanacion Espiritual Robert Detzler Pdf 11 is a keyword that refers to the book "Renacer del Alma" (Rebirth of the Soul) by Robert Detzler, a spiritual healer and founder of the Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT). The book was published in Spanish by Urano in 2003 and is available as a free PDF download on the Internet Archive[^1^].

The book is a guide to SRT, a method of accessing and clearing subconscious programs that block our spiritual potential and well-being. Detzler explains that we are more than what we know, and that we have an infinite potential to create our reality and serve others. He also describes the design of the soul, the family of souls, the levels of soul consciousness, the master programs, the pre-creation programming, and the healing processes that can help us achieve harmony and balance.

The book is divided into 19 chapters and two appendices. The chapters cover topics such as spiritual healing, soul design, soul family, infinite service, basic steps of SRT, how to remove blockages with SRT, master programs, octaves of learning and soul qualities, blockages to positive expressions, archetypes, themes and challenges, negative motivations, diverse blockages, programming before formation, creating health, dreams, examples of complete cases, how to change your life, and new aspects. The appendices include a glossary and charts that are used in SRT.

The book is intended for anyone who wants to learn more about SRT and how to use it for personal growth and healing. It is also useful for practitioners who want to deepen their knowledge and skills in SRT. The book is written in a clear and simple language, with examples and cases that illustrate the concepts and techniques. The book also offers exercises and suggestions for further exploration.

Sanacion Espiritual Robert Detzler Pdf 11 is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in spiritual healing and awakening. It is a comprehensive and practical guide to SRT, a powerful method of accessing and clearing subconscious programs that limit our potential and well-being. The book shows how we can rebirth our soul and develop our cosmic potential.Here is a possible continuation of the article:

In this article, we will review some of the main topics and concepts that Detzler covers in his book "Renacer del Alma". We will also provide some examples and cases that illustrate how SRT can be applied to different situations and issues.

Spiritual Healing

Detzler defines spiritual healing as "the process of restoring harmony and balance to the soul and its expressions" (p. 9). He explains that spiritual healing is not limited to physical health, but also includes mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. He also states that spiritual healing is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment, but a complement that can enhance the effectiveness of other therapies.

Detzler claims that spiritual healing is possible because we are connected to a higher power that he calls God, Source, or Creator. He says that God is the origin and essence of everything that exists, and that we are part of God's creation and expression. He also says that God loves us unconditionally and wants us to be happy and fulfilled.

However, Detzler acknowledges that we often experience problems and difficulties in our lives that prevent us from enjoying our true nature and potential. He says that these problems are caused by subconscious programs that we have acquired or inherited from our past lives, our ancestors, our culture, our environment, or our own choices. These programs are like software that runs in the background of our mind and influences our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and experiences.

Detzler says that these programs are not bad or evil, but simply outdated or inappropriate for our current situation and purpose. He says that these programs were created for a reason, usually to protect us or help us survive in a challenging or hostile environment. However, he says that these programs often become obstacles or limitations that prevent us from expressing our true self and fulfilling our soul's mission.

Detzler says that the solution to these problems is to access and clear these subconscious programs using SRT. He says that SRT is a method of communicating with our higher self or soul using a pendulum and charts. He says that the higher self is the part of us that knows everything about us and has access to all the information and resources that we need. He says that the pendulum is a tool that allows us to receive yes or no answers from our higher self by measuring the subtle energy changes in our body. He says that the charts are guides that help us identify and locate the programs that are affecting us and how to clear them.

Soul Design

Detzler describes the design of the soul as "the blueprint or plan for each individual soul" (p. 19). He says that the soul design includes aspects such as our relationship with God and the spiritual planes, our spiritual and physical aspects, our soul family, our level of soul consciousness, our master programs, our pre-creation programming, and our healing processes.

Detzler says that we have a direct connection with God through what he calls Christ or Christ Consciousness. He says that Christ is not a person or a religion, but a state of being and awareness that reflects God's love and wisdom. He says that Christ is the bridge between God and creation, and that we can access Christ through prayer, meditation, or intention.

Detzler also says that we have a connection with the spiritual planes through what he calls the Holy Spirit or Holy Breath. He says that the Holy Spirit is not a person or a force, but a movement and expression of God's energy and creativity. He says that the Holy Spirit is the source of life and inspiration for all creation, and that we can access the Holy Spirit through breath, sound, or vibration.

Detzler says that these three aspects of God - Father (Source), Son (Christ), and Holy Spirit (Breath) - form what he calls the Trinity or Triune God. He says that the Trinity is not a doctrine or a dogma, but a model and a mystery of how God relates to creation and how creation relates to God. He says that we are part of the Trinity as co-creators and expressions of God.

Detzler also says that we have two main aspects: spiritual and physical. He says that our spiritual aspect is our true essence and identity as souls. He says that our soul is eternal, immortal, perfect, powerful, wise, loving, free, creative, joyful, 66dfd1ed39

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