
This is a site dedicated to the Petz series of games by P.F. Magic. My name is Reflet, and I'm a self-taught developer and reverse engineer...er.

When I first joined the community in late 2015, I learned very quickly that due to lack of backwards compatibility, there was a rift between Petz 5 players (which included myself) and the rest of the community when it came to sharing pet files. This saddened me, so I decided that I'd try and do something about it.

Despite knowing nothing about developing software, let alone reverse engineering it, I wanted to try -- and in doing so, I discovered something I'm truly passionate about for the first time in my life. 8+ years later, Petz continues to be my main sandbox where I explore and hone my skills, and I love sharing my findings and tools with the community.

At the moment, there's not much here, and I'm terrible at keeping up a website...but I hope to grow this place into a proper hub for my Petz stuff.

p.s. Can you find the easter egg?


(but it's pretty out of date lol)