Yiddish Leyenkrayz: A Literary Portrayal of a Pogrom part I and II

Details: This Thursday, June 18th, we will read M. Olgin's descriptions of the pogrom in Białystok in the chapter of his book "1905", titled "Di shrekn fun byalystok" ("The Horrors of Bialystok"). We will discuss how these descriptions may relate to the world we live in today: what does Jewish history teach us about racism, xenophobia, and discrimination?

The event will be conducted in the Yiddish language.

About the author: M. Olgin was the pen name of Moyshe-Yoysef Novomiski, a fascinating and controversial figure born in Kiev in 1878. He was a revolutionist, a Yiddish activist, and a member of many left-wing organizations such as Frayhayt and the Vilna Committee of the Bund, as well as a writer and editor for newspapers and journals such as "Arbeter-shtime" and "Folks-tsaytung".

Access the text here: https://www.yiddishbookcenter.org/collections/yiddish-books/spb-nybc205691/olgin-moissaye-j-1905?fbclid=IwAR23j098xbZP9S5ETHW3MKeqnSRC-WktDe2Vqtkd7d6MjaRtVxXdBmuCulM

pogromen: 149-182

On Thursday, July 2nd we will continue to read M. Olgin’s descriptions of the pogrom in Białystok in the chapter of his book “1905”, titled “Di shrekn fun byalystok” (“The Horrors of Bialystok”). We will discuss how these descriptions may relate to the world we live in today: what does Jewish history teach us about racism, xenophobia, and discrimination?

The event will be conducted in the Yiddish language.

About the author: M. Olgin was the pen name of Moyshe-Yoysef Novomiski, a fascinating and controversial figure born in Kiev in 1878. He was a revolutionist, a Yiddish activist, and a member of many left-wing organizations such as Frayhayt and the Vilna Committee of the Bund, as well as a writer and editor for newspapers and journals such as “Arbeter-shtime” and “Folks-tsaytung”.

Access the text here: https://www.yiddishbookcenter.org/collections/yiddish-books/spb-nybc205691/olgin-moissaye-j-1905?fbclid=IwAR23j098xbZP9S5ETHW3MKeqnSRC-WktDe2Vqtkd7d6MjaRtVxXdBmuCulM

pogromen: 149-182

When: Thursday, July 2nd, 11.00 a.m. PDT, 2:00 p.m. EDT, 7:00 p.m. in the UK, 8:00 p.m. in most of Europe, and 9:00 p.m. in Israel

Cost: free! Donations welcome at www.paypal.me/YAAANA2020

Registration: please RSVP to info@yaaana.com to receive the Zoom link

Questions? Please email info@yaaana.com

Leader: Vadim Cherner

Vadim Cherner was born in Odesa, Ukraine in 1959 and emigrated to the US in 1989. His devotion to Yiddish stems from his parents, who spoke Yiddish until their deaths. He also derives inspiration from the legacy of Yiddish literature in Odessa, where a large population of Yiddish-speaking Jews once lived. His mission is to continue the work of Yiddish learning and spreading knowledge about Jewish life in Eastern Europe.