An Afternoon of Yiddish Lullabies

October 28, 2017, 2-5 PM

Tayere khaverim mit oder on kinder (dear friends with or without children),

YAAANA invites parents, children, and anyone interested in learning Yiddish, to participate in an afternoon of Yiddish lullabies, accompanied by a potluck and hosted as a part of Shabbat San Diego.

Everybody is invited to sing along! All ages are welcome!

Lullabies will be taught by Jana Mazurkiewicz, a PhD candidate in Yiddish theater. English translations of all Yiddish song lyrics will be available.

Please bring a dish or a drink to share; the event is free.

Details: Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 2-5pm at the North University Community Library (University City), 8820 Judicial Dr., San Diego, CA 92122